Day 4 - 23:19 PM

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(A/N: watch the video it's super good and relates to this I love it)

Jimin P.O.V

Making sure Y/N is asleep, I sigh. My heart aches knowing that I was just her rebound, but at the same time I don't regret any of it. Maybe soon would be a good time to tell her? Maybe tomorrow I'll tell her that what happened meant more to me than just a rebound? I have to really, I only have one more day...

God, I wish I could tell you everything Y/N, I really do, but it'll confuse you and scared you away, that would be the worst thing possible right now.

Since she's asleep, I guess now would be a good time for a silent confession... just to get it all off of my chest...

"Ya see...," I start with, sighing heavily, "I hurt people that I fall in love with... and this is the part you won't understand, it's because of some weird curse thing... to do with this watch I have on my wrist... this curse makes me fall in love easily, which isn't good... as soon as I fall in love with the girl the clock will start counting down, how long varies, and that's how long I have to save her...

I've never managed to save a girl yet, though there's only been 4... the first girl I ever loved, she's been in a coma for 4 years... that was when I figured out about this thing I have, I mean it was pretty obvious, she collapsed in the school corridor as soon as the watch hit zero, yeah I don't think that was a coincidence...

The other girls? One of them now has anterograde amnesia, where you forget everything that happened the previous day when you wake up, every day... uhm one of the others is blind now, the doctors couldn't explain it, so they blamed it on 'too much direct sunlight', only I knew what the real reason was... and the other one gained a bipolar disorder, sorta like Jekyll and Hyde,  but one of her sides doesn't show often, not sure which, if ever, so I guess hers isn't so bad... no ones ever died which I guess is good...

The trouble is, I don't remember them afterwards, I mean I remember what happened to them, and I remember that it's because of me and my curse, I remember that I tried to save them, and obviously failed... but all memories of my feelings towards them and even memories of their names and what they look like are gone... I remember that I 'loved' them, but I don't remember having felt that emotion for them... they forget me too, I'm pretty sure, so I guess that's okay... but Y/N, I don't want to forget you... I don't want you to forget me... I want to save you... all you have to do, is say you love me... and you'll be okay, we'll be okay...

I'm tired of hurting people... and I want it to end here... I want you... I never even got past the friendship stage with the others... except one... but I believe that you can love me... I'm hoping that you will love me... I'm really really wishing that you do love me...

I'll understand if you don't, I mean, look at me... I'm a monster... I don't deserve to be here... if I wasn't here, no one would get hurt because of me... right? I wouldn't be forced to watch those I love suffer before seeing the wrist clock counting down the seconds until they're gone from my memory... r-right? If I left right now, y-you'd be okay tomorrow... right? Right?..."

I break down in tears, cursed thoughts returning to my mind as I gently move my hand to touch the delicate, surprisingly not scarred, skin of my neck, bad memories coming back all at once.

Fuck... why am I still here? Why can't I just leave?! Then you'd be fine and happy...

My thoughts are interrupted by Y/N snuggling into me more and, looking down at the peacefully sleeping girl, a spark of hope appears in my, somehow still beating, heart. The world seems less lonely with her here. Goddamnit... That's why I'm still here, that small glimmer of hope that only just stays alive inside of me.

Cursing myself for everything I've ever done, I hug her close to me and rest my head on her back, letting the silenced tears run down my face as I try my best to get to sleep.


A/N: short chapter I know but here have a Jimin confession that will explain everything and make you sad, hopefully

Oh yeah, btw

The plot twists I have planned are going to ruin you guys

I mean


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