Day 3 - 15:07 PM

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Your P.O.V

After you left the dance studio you had decided to walk around for a bit and just think. Like about how you basically kissed Jimin and you were the only one who wasn't freaking out. You were still wondering about it now. It just felt so natural... you think as you slowly bring your fingers to your lips. It must just be because of last night, right?

Suddenly you're snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of the detention room door loudly opening before slowly closing. Walking towards the seat at the other side of the back of the room is Jimin, with a rather sad look on his face, he avoids eye contact with you. Raising a brow in confusion, you look over to him. What's up with him? It can't be because of earlier right?

Curious to find out what's bugging him, for some reason, you get up and sit in a chair right next to him. Luckily it's only you two in detention today, so the teacher is out of the room. "Hey," You smile and wave.

"Hi..." He quietly says back, almost whispering.

"Whats up?" You give him a concerned look.

When he looks up at you he seems almost surprised, then his usual smirk appears on his face for the first time today. "You actually care about me now?"

Rolling your eyes, you punch his shoulder playfully and sigh before saying, "Yeah, sure, I guess I do, now tell me what's wrong"

Jimin sighs and you swear you can see a glint of sadness along with something else, but you aren't quite sure what, in his eyes, "I..." He begins but stops, then carries on with, "I just have a headache again, that's all, it's killing me ya know..."

Just as Jimin was about to open the doors and invite you in, he shut them in your face. Why was he so scared of talking about his feelings. Deciding to avoid that specific question, you decide to say something else, "You did drink a lot last night ya know" You chuckle slightly and the hint of a small smile tugs at his lips. When you look back up from his almost smiling mouth you realise he's looking at you. Nervousness overtakes you all of a sudden at Jimins gaze. Why are you suddenly so nervous?

"I know..." He says, never taking his apologetic eyes off of you. You find yourself lost in his own eyes as if you can't look away, despite how much your heart is beating, and don't notice that you are both now inches away from each other. "I'm sorry that I did that Y/N... I'd never want to hurt you..." his breath is cold against your warm flushed skin and it sends shivers down your spine.

If your heart wasn't going crazy before, it definitely is now. At a loss for words, you simply search his eyes, which are so very close to yours, and find that hidden emotion buried deep behind the sadness and regret, pain. Jimin was in pain, he just wasn't showing it. "Jimin..." You sadly breath out, your lips slowly and slowly getting ever so closer to his...


You both quickly snap your heads towards the door that was just flung open. An angry Ella stands in the doorway. After she glares daggers into your soul for a few seconds, she skips over to Jimin, being all smiley and trying way too hard to impress him.

"Hey Jimin Oppa!! You should leave early and we can go hang out for a while, maybe we could even go to my house" she winks.

You hate this girl, the sight of her just disgusts you and the way she acts to and around Jimin makes you want to throw up. But why? You just look away from them, still trying to calm your red face from what almost happened a few moments ago.

"Ella, go away, I said I'm done with you" Jimin annoyedly answers. "I don't want you anymore"

"Hmph!" She crosses her arms, obviously unhappy with his answer, and then looks at you before saying, "You left me for her? Really? Have you even seen her? Did you go blind since we dated?" Her words hurt you, I mean you weren't that bad, and Jimin abd you weren't even dating, but you didn't show it, you just continued to look away.

"Shut up Ella" Jimin replies, obviously getting angry.

"She's nowhere near as good as me, she's probably still a virgin too, is that what you're tryna do? You just wanted virgin sex huh? Oh and she's so fucking ugl-" Ella is cut off by Jimin standing up and towering over her, he's taller than her, even though he is short.

"I said shut up Ella" the anger in his voice is rising. You want to do or say something but nothing comes to mind, what could you do?

"No Jimin you shut up look she's not even paying attention to us,"

"Oww!!" You yelp as Ella harshly pulls your head back by your hair.

"Ella, that's enough, fucking let go"

You can just about see that Jimin has grabbed Ella's wrist and is staring her down. When she doesn't release her grip on you, Jimin tightens his grip on her wrist and she suddenly yelps and let's go, allowing you to sit properly and sort your now pained neck out.

"Jimin... you're hurting me..."

"You are gonna stay away from Y/N, do you understand me?" His grips tightens more.

"Jimin, stop!!"

"And if you ever lay a finger on her again, I will personally deal with you myself"

She quickly nods as tears threaten to fall, you never knew Jimin could be so intimidating. You then realise he is still holding her wrist angrily.

"Jimin, let her go now..." You say. When he doesn't stop and you see her wrist growing redder, you quickly grab his hand. As soon as your hand touched his he let go and watched as Ella ran out of the room.

"Are you okay?" He turns to you and says, placing his hands on the back of your head carefully, inspecting for any injuries. You simply nod in response, and a blush spreads across your face at the contact. You were still trying to process what side of Jimin you just saw, was he being protective? Of you? And if he was then why? Does he like you? No no no that can't be it... is what Ella said true? Maybe he just wants to be friends?

Thoughts flood your mind but you snap out of it when Jimin waves his hand in front of your face. "Hmm?" You look at him.

"Uh are you still up for fair tonight?"

Oh, that's right, you were supposed to be going to the fair with him today. You nod and he smiles before you both realise it's time for home.

You once again get a lift on Jimins motorcycle, which you realise now isn't as bad as it was the first time.

Getting off of the vehicle outside your house, you wave at Jimin and are about to walk off when you hear him say, "Thank you? No? None at all?" You can imagine the smirk on his face and turn around and without thinking give him a peck on the cheek.

"There, happy now?" You smile and walk inside, not seeing Jimins broad smile and pink cheeks as he leaves to go to his own home.

About 5 minutes later, you receive a text.

I'll pick you up around 8 ish, be ready ;)

Sure thing Jimin-oppa, I didn't even realise you were picking me up ;P

Well I am a gentleman after all~

Hey wait

You called me oppa?!!


See you later Jimin...


You chuckle at his texts before deciding to watch youtube on your laptop until you had to get ready.

120 Hours《Jimin x Reader》[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now