40: We've Got To Get Away

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"Hunters," Ryan stammered fearfully, "as in vampire hunters?"

"Well they aren't here looking for deer, that's for sure," Brendon snapped, his eyes darting around rapidly as he tugged at his hair in an agitated manner. "I have no idea how they got in, but they have, which means we need to leave."

"Gerard?" Frank whimpered quietly, his body curling tightly in Gerard's hold as Brendon began rushing around the house, throwing random items into a bag as he continuously told them all to hurry.

"It'll be okay sugar," Gerard muttered quietly, his own mind churning rapidly as he tried to process this new danger and what it meant for him and his mate. "Can you do something for me though?" Gerard asked, waiting for Frank's nod of affirmation before he continued speaking. "I have to go grab a few things from my house before I go, so I need you to stay here while I do that, I won't be long."

"Promise?" Frank queried, the fear of being left on his own resonating throughout their bond, and if this hadn't been so important, Gerard would never have even considered leaving Frank's side, but the coven was comprised now, and Gerard knew this was his last chance to recover any of his belongings.

"I swear, you won't even have time to miss me, and Ryan will watch over you okay?"

"Where are you going?" Ryan cut in, his frame shaking slightly as Brendon continued his haphazard packing.

"To my place," Gerard reiterated, "I'll be quick," he added on when it appeared Ryan was about to argue with him, trying his best to convey with his expression that he had to do this.

"Okay, hurry back, and be safe," Ryan finally nodded stiffly as he crouched down beside Frank, gently removing him from Gerard's lap, which Frank allowed reluctantly.

"I love you," Frank called out just when Gerard was opening the door, and the overwhelming rush of emotions Gerard felt coming from his mate almost brought him to his knees with their intensity. He could sense Frank's nervousness, and his adoration, and so many other subtle nuances that he didn't have time to label.

The fact that Frank now shared this bond with him hit Gerard all over again as he repeated Frank's sentiment back to him as he turned the knob, forcing his limbs to move in the direction of his home before he rushed back to Frank's side like he so desperately ached to.

He had to do this first though, and he needed to be fast, and silent. His house wasn't too far from Brendon and Ryan's, but it was closer to the center of town, and with each step he took, the sound of gunshots and screams grew louder, leaving Gerard flinching with each repetition, his gaze scanning the area constantly just in case a hunter was nearby.

And really, Gerard knew he was being a bit ridiculous, and risking both his life and Frank's for a material possession was stupid at best, but he had to take Mikey's letter with him, he wouldn't leave it behind for the hunters to burn or destroy. It was the only physical link he had to his brother, and Gerard couldn't bear to lose that.

Luckily, he made it to his place without catching anyone's attention. Most of the fighting seemed to be happening closer to the main gates judging by the noise, which left Gerard free to retrieve Mikey's note, as well as a few bags of blood and a change of clothes.

Gerard sprinted back the way he had come once he was finished packing, the gunfire and shouts drowning out his footsteps as he went, the terrifying cacophony tempting Gerard to cover his ears, although he knew that wouldn't erase the horrors occurring around him.

But when Gerard reentered Brendon and Ryan's home to see Frank beaming up at him with a relieved smile, Gerard forgot about his fear, and the deaths that were occurring a few hundred feet away, because Frank was alive, and they were going to escape, and as selfish as it sounded, that was all Gerard really cared about right now.

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