16: Cheesy Sayings And Mikey In A Dress - Basically Pete's Mind In A Nutshell

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Pete finally escaped from Brendon and Ryan's home early in the morning, feigning tiredness as an excuse, and even though he knew his friends meant well, he found himself heaving a sigh of relief once he was out of their earshot.

Brendon had stubbornly refused to let Pete be alone tonight, saying that no one should be left by themselves after receiving the news he had been given earlier in the evening, but Pete had the sneaking suspicion that Brendon was also afraid that he would try and visit Mikey if he was left unobserved for too long.

He was probably right to be honest, but Pete surprised even himself when he turned his feet toward his own home instead of Mikey's. It was late anyway, so his mate would probably be asleep, and Pete wasn't ready to face him until he had some more time to compose himself.

Pete still felt like he wanted to cry whenever he recalled Brendon's words, but he had shed all of his tears already, and he was left with no way to relieve the painful ache in his heart.

This hurt so much, worse than any physical pain Pete had ever experienced, and even though he hadn't suffered that many injuries over the course of his short life, Pete was certain he would rather lose a limb than continue feeling this way for a moment longer.

Because over time, cuts and broken bones would heal, but this wasn't something Pete could just bandage up. His heart was literally breaking, which was an expression that Pete had never understood until today, making the phrase "ignorance is bliss" much more meaningful to him, and he truly wished that he had never seen Mikey if this was the result of finding his mate.

He couldn't take it back now though, and if Pete was given the power of foresight, alerting him beforehand that Mikey wouldn't return his feelings, he honestly didn't know whether he would have looked into his eyes or not, because even though this hurt like hell, Pete was keeping up with his theme of cheesy sayings and "it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" popped into Pete's head whenever he tried to imagine a world in which he didn't know of Mikey's existence, even though he had been just fine living that way yesterday, but now his old life seemed paltry and unimportant.

This just wasn't fair - it wasn't supposed to happen this way. Mikey should love Pete, but he didn't - he couldn't, and how the fuck was Pete supposed to turn off his own emotions and pretend like everything was okay?

Pete slammed the door to his humble home shut before throwing himself down onto the couch with a pathetic sigh. He probably should be getting ready for bed; the sun would be rising soon, if it hadn't already, but Pete just didn't care enough to move.

Actually, Pete wasn't sure if he gave a shit about anything anymore, besides Mikey that is. This vampire who had been a stranger to him a few hours ago had become his whole world all because of a simple glance, and Pete knew he would never be whole again without Mikey by his side.

There was no possible way he could just ignore him like Brendon had suggested, that would drive Pete insane, but could he really maintain a simple friendship with his soul mate? Billie Joe had done it for years, but the truth had slipped out eventually, and everything had come crumbling down on him when that happened.

No matter how he tried to spin this situation, Pete continued to come to the conclusion that he was totally fucked, and even though it sounded dramatic - ridiculous even, Pete felt as if his life was ending before it had even properly started.

Pete wasn't prone to fits of depression, and even after all of the terrible things that had happened to him, this sensation of drowning in his own emotions was new to him, and he quickly decided he hated it.

Pete felt so helpless, and confused, and lonely, and he just wanted someone to step in and fix this, but that was impossible, and Pete knew that there was no magic remedy that would make Mikey care for Pete, not in the way Pete needed him too.

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