38: Salvation Or Damnation?

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Fire rained down from the heavens, stinging Gerard's skin with painful blisters, but he didn't care - he was here on a mission, and this time, he wouldn't fail...he couldn't fail.

This was his dream brought to life, but instead of being clueless about why he was here, and what his purpose was, he knew. He was awake this time, and this wasn't a series of visions that his mind had chosen to torment him with, this was real, it was happening now, which meant Frank was in danger.

Gerard was in Frank's home that had been set ablaze by the time he had gotten there, most likely by Lindsey, although why she had chosen that method to eliminate Frank confused Gerard, but he wasn't going to question it. She didn't seem to be in the nearby vicinity either, and that gave him a better chance to save his mate, which he was going to do despite all of his previous failures, the determination brewing inside of him helped his fragile body to continue forward despite the sweltering heat and choking smoke obscuring his way.

Gerard couldn't leave, even if he wanted to, but this time, it wasn't because of impenetrable walls or shifting corridors - no - it was his bond with Frank. Gerard refused to abandon him here, even though he was weak and starving, because Frank needed him, and Gerard would save him if it was the last thing he did.


The red numbers on the clock mounted on the wall galvanized him, only five more minutes until Gerard would be too late - and that wasn't acceptable. He had watched Frank die in his arms hundreds of times, but that wouldn't be the outcome of this evening, Gerard couldn't bear it if it was.

Gerard could faintly feel Frank's emotions in his mind, his fear, his pain, his exhaustion, but it was muted thanks to Gerard's own dismal state, which was a blessing in disguise since it allowed Gerard to keep as clear a head as possible, which he needed if they were both going to survive this.

And they would - they had to, Quinn had said that the future wasn't set in stone, that things could be changed if he fought hard enough, and Gerard clung to his words, because they had to be true, otherwise he was walking into his own death willingly, but even that would be better than existing without Frank.

Keep moving...ignore the flames...don't stop.

Gerard's internal chant kept him company as he continued deeper into the building which was now easily recognizable as Frank's clinic, he could tell that now, even though it had confounded him previously when he had first witnessed it in his dreams. Empty cages lined the walls, many of the doors hung open haphazardly, meaning that Frank had released the animals they had housed, which was so like him Gerard felt a hint of a smile twitching at the corner of his lips even if the expression wasn't really appropriate given his current situation.

Gerard briefly considered the possibility that Frank might have escaped as well if the dogs and cats had gotten free, but it was doubtful. Lindsey wouldn't have bothered chasing down the pets, but she would have made sure Frank was trapped here in the hellish conditions she had created. Gerard had been certain she would simply drink Frank dry, but maybe his blood had been enough for her at the moment, even rogues must get full eventually he assumed.

Lindsey didn't matter right now though...all that mattered was reaching the end of this hallway where Frank would be if his dream was indeed correct.

Gerard realized then that the cat he had fed from might have been one of Frank's animals, which meant that in a way, Frank had provided Gerard with the means he needed to come to his rescue, even if the death of the creature would sadden him, but still - Frank's actions had saved Gerard, now he had to repay that favor.

Gerard was starting to panic as he grew closer to Frank, flames were twisting around him, scorching his skin with every caress of their fiery fingers, his own aches mixing with the agony he could feel emanating from his mate until he wasn't sure whose pain he was experiencing.

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