39: Running From The Bullets

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"Did you lose her?" Bobby snapped at Charlie, the hunter that had been chosen to follow the female vampire when she entered the rundown church at the edge of town that they had successfully managed to stalk her to.

"No - I'm not that incompetent," Charlie scoffed, rocking back on her heels when Dean sent her a not so subtle thumbs up behind Bobby's back. "She went underground, there is a creepy crypt down there, and some secret doors and shit, but she left them ajar, so it'll be easy to get into the coven, and I put small rocks in the way just in case she comes back and closes them behind her. I watched her open them either way, so we are good to go."

"Thank god," Bobby sighed in relief, his shoulders sloping forward before he tensed them again, turning back to face the assembled hunters gathered around him. "Alright ya idjits, you know what to do. This is what we have been waiting for, so make sure you have enough ammo for this. We'll go in shooting, take down as many as we can before they realize what's happening. Sam, Dean, you get behind them if you can, I'll be going with you, we'll try and trap 'em between us. The sun ain't out so we don't have that on our side, but we can't wait until morning, so make sure we kill them before they escape, you got it?"

Everyone nodded rapidly in agreement, the sound of guns cocking filling the silent night air as the hunters made sure their weapons were loaded. Sam fingered his own pistol before reaching around and making sure his large knife was still there as well, his hands shaking slightly in anticipation as he did so.

He was ready for this though, he had been ever since he deduced that there might be a coven hidden in this sleepy town after all. He hadn't been sure if his initial hypothesis had been correct originally, but now he was proven right, and the only thing more satisfying than that would be taking down the filthy vampires that had been preying on the helpless inhabitants of this city.

The female vampire had made this all possible, she had grown careless lately, most likely she was about to go rogue, but really, Sam didn't care what was wrong with her, she would die too along with everyone else.

Either way, it was thanks to her visit with the veterinarian that they had found this place, they had tailed her as soon as she had left, which had led them here. They hadn't had time to check up on Mr. Iero, which Sam felt slightly guilty about, but if he was dead, then it had been for a worthy cause, because now they had found the coven after weeks of searching, and in a matter of hours, this city would be free from vampires entirely.

They wouldn't be able to recover from this attack, Sam was sure of it, and with this strike, they might be able to completely eradicate the last known large scale gathering of this bloodsucking race.

"Alright boys, follow me," Bobby announced quietly, his booted feet heading into the church. Sam copied his movements, his breath catching in his throat as Dean nudged him lightly, his eager grin matching Sam's as they prepared to do what they had been trained for from birth.

"Stay safe Sammy, I'll be right there if you need me," Dean whispered.

"You too," Sam replied, his confidence in his fellow hunters and his brother filling him with a sense of invincibility, making it seem impossible for anything to go wrong tonight. He felt no fear, only excitement, and he knew that they were going to be successful, they had to for the sake of humanity.


Gerard entered the coven silently, using the back gate to avoid detection, wrapping his trench coat around Frank's body as much as possible to try and hide him from view in case anyone happened to be about, which they didn't seem to be. Frank was still unconscious, which was most likely a good thing, otherwise he would be in an extraordinary amount of pain, and Gerard hoped he stayed oblivious until he could get him some proper help.

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