36: Truly Madly Deeply

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Lindsey pulled her black coat tighter around her frame as she made her way into town quickly, her strides purposeful and light as she slunk through the shadows, avoiding the street lamps that were dotting the area in neat intervals in favor of shrouding her presence as much as possible just in case there were any hunters nearby.

The thought of being spotted didn't bother Lindsey nearly as much as it should though, not at the moment anyway. In her current state, she was much too occupied by other troubles to worry over the hunters, even though they were a very real threat whose numbers seemed to be increasing by the day.

She hadn't meant to bring them down on her coven, but it was too late to take her actions back now. She would kill them as well if she had to, they weren't invincible, and if she could pick them off one at a time, that would be another threat that her vampires would no longer have to deal with.

Lindsey had to keep going with her plan, stopping now would be pointless, and honestly, she wasn't sure if she could cease her killings any time soon. She was so angry during the moments where she was idle, seething over the fact that humans still ruled the world that they had no right to. It just wasn't fair, and to witness a vampire begging to see one of them as if they deserved any attention at all rankled in her gut, leaving her feeling sick and vindictive.

Gerard's human had to die tonight, his plea had made certain of that. This Frank had too much of a hold over Gerard, somehow remaining in his mind even after losing his brother and his best friend, and Lindsey couldn't let this go on any longer.

She was hungry too, she hadn't killed recently, and although the blood she had ingested from her last feeding should have been more than enough to satisfy her for weeks, Lindsey's throat was dry and her hands shook slightly at just the promise of fresh blood.

But this intense surge of emotions that was welling inside of her was more than just thirst, in fact, it was scaring Lindsey a bit, but it also filled her with a delicious thrill of power, and her unease was pushed away in favor of the heady rush of strength flowing through her veins.

Just thinking of this human that supposedly meant so much to Gerard set her on edge and increased the sensations she was experiencing. The closer she drew to his home, the more unstable she became, until it was almost as if a different person had occupied her body and she was simply a bystander in this all.

And honestly, a part of Lindsey knew this was wrong, the altruistic half of her who just wanted to help other vampires, the side of her that had done everything she could for Pete, who had salvaged the remains of her coven even though she was a shattered shell of her former self, but that version of Lindsey was becoming lost in the storm of anger that was surging inside of her.

Lindsey didn't want to hurt Gerard, not really, and she knew that this would only wound him further, even if it was his own fault for getting involved with a human in the first place, but still - could he handle another death right now?

But kindness had gotten Lindsey nowhere in her life, she had lost everything she had ever cared for, her role as leader of a coven was basically non-existent since she simply answered to Bert now, her home was destroyed, she was powerless and lost thanks to the hunters that had attacked them, and killing was the only thing that made her feel in control for a short time, like she was doing something productive that might one day further the vampire race.

The old Lindsey was weak and useless, so she let her kind nature be stripped away, focusing instead on her plans to kill another innocent person, if any human could be considered that. Lindsey had regrets, and she would continue to she was sure, but when she considered turning back, her feet moved forward at a rapid pace, and Lindsey stopped fighting against her baser instincts.

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