19: Safe At Last

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"There's been another killing Sammy, I told you that vamp isn't dead," Dean announced as he threw open the door to the ratty motel room they were currently staying at, causing Sam to glance up wearily, his mouth falling open in a silent gasp when he realized it was already dark outside, and he had severely lost track of the time, which happened to him quite often, but he hadn't expected night to have fallen so quickly.

"I saw," Sam responded, his eyes fixating back onto his laptop screen which he had been staring at for the past few hours, even though the bright light was starting to give him a killer headache.

"Now we just need to find the fucker, I swear - I asked everyone in town if they had seen someone matching his description, but I keep coming up with a whole lot of nothing," Dean groaned, kicking his boots off before collapsing onto Sam's bed, jolting Sam in the process.

"Please tell me that you were at least slightly discrete?" Sam raised one eyebrow in Dean's direction. He had thought his brother was simply dropping by the police station to see if any more witness reports had come in, not going out to interrogate innocent civilians, and knowing Dean's way with people, he had probably drawn a lot of unwanted suspicion instead of any actual information.

"Sammy...I'm hurt - of course I was, said I was looking for my long lost brother, no one even looked at me funny," Dean chuckled, completely missing the subtle shake of Sam's head at his brother's impulsiveness, but it was too late to do anything about it now.

"So no one knew who he was?" Sam finally spoke up when it seemed that Dean wasn't going to elaborate any further.

"Nah...I got a few false leads, but no one who matches our vamp perfectly, which is weird. He's been hanging around this town for a while now, so I was sure someone would have seen him, besides the corpses in the morgue that is, and they aren't exactly the most talkative of people," Dean huffed out, rolling over onto his stomach so he could peer at what Sam had currently pulled up on his laptop. "Why the hell are you searching for rumors on vampire coven locations, I told you - this is just one crazy vamp, not an entire horde of them."

"I'm just being safe Dean, and this whole situation is really giving me the creeps. This was supposed to be a rogue vampire, which should have been an easy gank him and go, but it's obviously not that. These killings are too careful, too planned, but at the same time, still totally random. A rogue wouldn't be so discreet with the location, they would be killing left and right, but this vamp knows what he is doing. He is only killing late at night when no witnesses are around, the victims are almost always heavily intoxicated, so it seems like a normal vamp feeding, but they don't eat to kill, because they know we will come after them if they do..." Sam trailed off, shaking his head in frustration in the hopes that some answer would appear out of the depths of his brain if he jostled it hard enough, but really, it only intensified his growing migraine.

"You are worrying too much Sammy, we just need to find that black haired vamp, and this will all be over. Even if he isn't the killer, he has to be involved somehow, maybe he knows the rogue, and they are partners or some shit," Dean offered up with a helpless shrug.

"No - that doesn't make sense; sane vampires ignore rogues, they shun them or eliminate them, and even if they didn't, a rogue wouldn't work with anyone, even another vampire, all they want is blood - hell, they would probably turn on their own kind if they were hungry enough," Sam protested, even though he knew that Dean wasn't being completely serious, and he was just throwing out the first theory that popped into his head in the hopes that Sam would shut up.

"I'll admit this isn't a typical case, but we need to start with what we know, which is that a vamp is in town, and now we have to track him down," Dean shot back stubbornly, leaving Sam to sighing heavily, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration.

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