6: That Crazy Bitch From Frozen Is Fucking With Gerard

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Pain...unbearable agony...the smell of fire and smoke...

Gerard shook his head groggily, as if the physical motion could displace the gruesome sensations that were floating at the edge of his consciousness, because this couldn't be happening - not right now. He was wide awake, that much he was certain of, jogging slowly after Mikey's retreating figure as they edged closer and closer to Belleville, and these crazy images only plagued his mind when he was asleep. They couldn't be creeping into his waking hours, Gerard was already barely surviving as it was, and he honestly wasn't sure if he was strong enough to handle anything else right now.

"Gerard?" Mikey's voice cut through Gerard's pathetic attempts to convince himself that nothing was wrong, and this was not another manifestation of his madness, because it obviously was, even if he didn't want to admit it just yet.

And it was only then that Gerard realized that he had stopped moving; his feet seemed frozen to the floor by an unseen force, and as much as he wanted to continue running so he could catch up to his brother and reassure him that everything was okay, he was physically incapable of controlling his body. It was as if he wasn't in a position of authority over his own limbs anymore, they had mutinied against him, leaving his ability to speak his only working function.

"I'm fine...just tired," Gerard lied, because what was he supposed to say, that he actually couldn't move?

It was the truth though; Gerard literally felt as if he had been encased in ice by that crazy bitch from Frozen, and he had no idea why, because if Mikey didn't already think he was insane, that would be the final straw.

"We can take a break if you want, Belleville is only about an hour away though." Mikey and Ray jogged back toward Gerard's petrified form, but he still couldn't regain jurisdiction over himself, and it was beginning to get really fucking terrifying to say the least.

"Do you need to sit down?" Ray asked calmly, and Gerard wanted to reply, but all of a sudden, he couldn't see Ray or Mikey anymore; instead, flames filled the forest they had been slowly making their way through, obscuring everything else, but no one seemed to notice except for Gerard.


And with a blink of his eyes, Gerard could see Mikey again, and he was staring down at him with a worried expression. Ray had moved to stand beside Gerard, hands outstretched as if he was worried that he would fall at any moment.

"Did you see that?" Gerard exclaimed, glancing back and forth rapidly between his brother and his mate.

But by the look of confusion on both of their faces - they definitely hadn't, but the flames had been there, it had seemed so real, and Gerard had never hallucinated before; the dreams didn't count because he was asleep - at least, that was how he rationalized it to himself, so the fire had to be more than just a product of his imagination, or else he had finally lost his mind completely, and he didn't want that to be the case - it just couldn't be.

"See what?" Ray's voice was wary as he reached out to touch Gerard's shoulder before he pulled back in surprise when Gerard flinched away from him violently.

"Ray, your hand!" Gerard shrieked, because Ray was burning - his fingers had caught fire, and it was quickly spreading to the rest of his body, but he seemed oddly nonchalant about his impending doom.

"Gee - snap out of it!" Mikey screamed, but when Gerard twisted around to face his brother, he was also on fire, oblivious to the flames that were slowly consuming him whole while he just stood there as if he wasn't being burned alive.

Gerard squeezed his eyes shut, unable to witness the two people who meant more to him than life itself being consumed by the relentless inferno, and for one blessed moment, he saw only peaceful blackness: no sizzling flesh, no grisly faces, no melting eyes and protruding bones, but all too soon, light began to penetrate the darkness, and even though Gerard's eyes were closed - he still saw it. As much as he didn't want to, he couldn't escape the sight of the crackling flames slowly coming closer and closer until they had engulfed him as well.

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