10: The Impossible Gerard

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No...this was not okay...Gerard refused to accept this.

Frank couldn't be his mate - he was human, and that just didn't happen, but when he looked in his eyes, he felt the familiar resonance deep in his soul that was telling him the exact opposite; that was how the whole process worked...Mikey and Ray had known as soon as their gazes caught each other, and apparently it was happening to Gerard now too - with a fucking human of all people.

And for once, Gerard actually wished that this was all some fucked up dream, and that was something he never thought he would yearn for in a million years, but anything would be better than this - even though if this was really all just a dream, then he had reached a whole new level of crazy. Still, he hoped that any second now, he would wake up, and this would just be another sick joke played on him by his mind, because he would gladly hallucinate once a day if it made this situation go away.

But Gerard was awake...he knew that, even though he didn't want to admit it, but after he pinched himself rather roughly, he had to come to the painful realization that he had somehow managed to do the impossible and mate with a human, so lying to himself wasn't really going to help anything.

And even worse, he had bitten him...Frank's blood was flowing through his veins at this very moment, and now that he had made eye contact with him which had allowed his body to realize what Frank was to him, he could feel it in the back of his mind, the bundle of emotions that belonged solely to Frank, but which Gerard now shared too because of their blood bond.

This was a huge fucking deal - synonymous to marriage for vampires, even though they didn't call it that. When two mates exchanged blood, it meant that they were truly bound together for eternity, and they would now share their thoughts and feelings when in close proximity; even when distance separated them, they could tell if the other was in extreme pain or mental duress, and it was usually something that both partners chose to do after an appropriate amount of time had passed and they had discussed it thoroughly.

Because even though this bond was an amazing link, it could also be very dangerous. When two mates joined together by blood, they were connected in life, but also in death; if one of them died - the other quickly followed. The one left behind lost all will to live, a part of their mind died with their mate, and it was almost impossible to drag oneself out of the following depression. Usually they starved to death, if they didn't decide to end it all by waiting for the sun to rise so the brilliant rays could turn them to ash.

Mikey and Ray hadn't even taken that step in their relationship yet, although they loved each other unconditionally, they had both decided to wait until they found a relatively safe spot to settle down in - a coven hopefully, before making such a serious decision. Life on the run was perilous, and neither of them had wanted to doom the other to death if some tragedy happened to befall one of them.

Gerard glanced toward Frank once more just to make sure that he wasn't fooling himself, but it was too dark in the room for him to see the other man properly, so he darted to the wall switch he had noticed behind him and flicked on the overhead bulbs, bathing the room in a warm glow.

That was an even worse idea than looking into Frank's eyes, because now that Gerard could really see every gloriously naked inch of Frank, he realized why he kept having those flickering moments of recognition.

This was the man from his dreams - the stranger that had been haunting him for years. Gerard had no idea how he hadn't noticed it sooner, but he decided to blame his earlier bullet wounds and the overwhelming lust, along with the poor lighting for his stupidity.

It was the same dark hair and sleeves of tattoos that he had seen one thousand times before, if he put some clothes on him and shoved him under a desk, then it would be the dream all over again - which meant he wasn't going insane. His dream man was real - he was Frank, but actually finding him only filled him with more questions than answers, and Gerard was dangerously close to a having a mental breakdown right now.

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