32: The Big Reveal

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Gerard worried his lower lip between his teeth as he forced himself to raise his hand in the air, intending to knock on Frank's front door since the Winchester's car was surprisingly absent from the street, which was at least one thing that had gone right so far, and Gerard hoped that the following sequence of events would also play out in such a pleasant manner.

Now if only Gerard could convince himself to move his arm and rap upon the wood barring his way from seeing Frank, but that was easier said than done. Gerard had to do it soon, he knew that, because it was late, already past curfew he was mostly certain, but he had texted Frank when he headed out, and he had been awake then, responding with a quick "I can't wait to see you" that had somehow radiated sincerity even through a simple message.

Gerard didn't want to do this though, he was so terrified of telling Frank about what he really was, of admitting everything that he had so far managed to hide successfully, because as wonderful as Frank was, he was still human, which meant that his instincts would most likely leave him disbelieving or afraid, and Gerard couldn't stand to see either of those reactions on the face of the person he loved.

Gerard began to doubt everything as he hovered in the entryway, because what if he was making a mistake, or what if Mikey became hysterical while he was gone and Brendon couldn't calm him down? He had been doing as well as could be expected when Gerard had left, but things could change in an instant, and with the memory of leaving Ray's body in the woods so fresh in his mind, his brother's emotions were most likely all over the place at the moment.

Gerard was being ridiculous though, and he knew that, because Mikey was probably fine, relatively speaking, and Brendon would be able to handle him even if he wasn't, and yes - Gerard wanted to be with his brother if he needed him, but Frank was important to him too, and he had to focus on him as well if he ever had any chance of being happy, but that didn't make leaving Mikey any easier, although Gerard was just making excuses to avoid confronting Frank for as long as possible.

Gerard tried to remind himself that William had been successful when he shared his true nature with Gabe, but that had been different as well. They had known each other for years before William had revealed the fact that he was a vampire, they had admitted they loved each other aloud, and William hadn't asked Gabe to leave everything he knew behind to be with him, not at first anyway.

Gerard's knees buckled slightly as his mind began to assault him with worst case scenarios, because this could be it for his and Frank's relationship, he could lose him tonight, and honestly, Gerard didn't think he could handle that so soon after the death of Ray, but it was a possibility, and Gerard couldn't pretend that everything was going to fall into place just because he wanted it to.

But Gerard couldn't do nothing either, not after coming this far, because he wasn't going to get another opportunity like this again in quite some time, so he had to tell Frank now, before Lindsey discovered that he had snuck out again, or Frank got frustrated with Gerard for not being able to visit, so although it felt like one of the most difficult tasks he had ever accomplished, Gerard rapped his knuckles against Frank's door, ignoring the way his lungs seized in his chest and his stomach churned angrily as if in protest of the risk he was taking.

It felt like years before Gerard heard any movement in the house, although it was probably a minute at most, still - it had been long enough for Gerard to contemplate bolting away and trying this again another night when he had time to gather more of his courage, but once he spied Frank's smiling face peering up at him through the window before he disappeared to let Gerard in, his fears evaporated for the moment and he lost himself in the excitement and adoration he could feel pulsing through his bond with Frank.

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