Sweet Bliss of Death

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The whole journey to New York Liam could not keep his mind off of Zayn. Not only had he allowed Peter to take him, but he didn't even notice Zayn was gone. He could only imagine the horror his boyfriend was suffering, and it was all his fault.

The other lads weren't much better, each of them feeling their own guilt. But the pain made them stronger and gave them a drive to kill the people who took Zayn.

They traveled on a large piece of concrete that Liam moved with his powers. The Germans and the four boys made it to New York by nightfall. On their journey, they continually called Caroline to give her updates on their position. She anxiously awaited their arrival, excited to see Louis.

Even though New York had been destroyed during the Fearsome Five take over, some skyscrapers still stood. Some were so large they hid in the clouds. The sight was breathtaking, but the lads were too concerned with Zayn to even care.

The Germans stared at the city in wonder and awe, not having seen such huge buildings. No skyscrapers survived the downfall of Earth in Germany.

Liam slowed down the piece of concrete they were riding on, as they approached New York. In the distance Louis caught a glimpse of lanterns and torches. He pointed to the light and Liam turned the concrete towards the direction.

The concrete they were riding came to a stop when Liam saw Caroline waving at them. Before he could say a word, Louis ran towards his old mentor screaming her name. She opened her arms and was engulfed in a hug by Louis. "I'm so happy you are okay" he whispered to her, tightening his grip on the woman. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you."

"Everything is going to be okay" she promised, rubbing the boy's back. "Nothing is going to split us up again."

By this time the rest of Louis's group had caught up with him. Harry, Niall, and Liam led the Germans to Caroline, each staying silent to allow Louis to have his moment with his mentor.

When she felt the eyes of the Germans on her, Caroline broke away from the hug. "Hello" she greeted, walking over to Louis's new team. "I am Caroline, the leader of the New York Freedom Fighters. If you follow me I shall take you to our camp. You all look hungry."

The Germans murmured in agreement and followed the woman. They followed her into the entrance of the city. Her camp was in an abandoned football stadium. The turf area had over a dozen fires cooking some sort of stew. The seats in the arena had been discarded and were replaced with beds. There were no tents to separate people, everyone slept together in the stadium. The roof of the football field protected them from the weather and the harsh sun.

"After dinner I want you boys to tell me everything that has happened since we last saw each other" Caroline told the lads, before going over to her generals. She needed to set up enough beds for all the Germans to sleep on.

None of the boys spoke as they sat down around the fire, their minds were still on Zayn. The silence began to take its toll on the boys, as Louis stood up to find Caroline. He wanted to be with his second mom. Harry eventually got up, wanting to explore and clear his head. The silence was killing him and made Zayn's absence even more apparent.

That left Niall and Liam, who scooted next to each other. "I'm sure Zayn is alive" Liam said, trying to set the blond at ease.

"He could be alive, but what have they done to him. Each day he is there they could be hurting him."

"We can't think like that Niall."

The rest of their meal was eaten in silence as Niall pondered on Liam's words. All this worrying wasn't helping Zayn. The only thing that could save his boyfriend was attacking the bad guys, and breaking him out in whatever prison they are holding him in. As the flames danced on the wood in front of him, Niall swallowed the rest of his worry and replaced it with a drive for blood.

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