A New Threat

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Arriving back at the underground campsite, the lads were given a tent to rest in during the night. In the morning the other clans would show up, and a huge meeting would take place. Liam knew they would need to prove that they meant no harm.

The beds were each single ones, separated by more than five feet. Liam used his earth ability to move the beds together, so they could all snuggle up together during the night. Louis claimed the middle bed and climbed under the covers, followed by Harry and Niall. Zayn and Liam slept on the opposite ends of the bed.

In the morning, Harry woke up to tension in the air. His powers allowed him to sense the emotion in air. He couldn't help, but grow worried when he heard whispering outside of his tent. Shifting in the bed, Harry quietly woke up the others trying to communicate that something was wrong.

Before Harry could explain his gut feeling, the tent flew open and a group of angry looking people stormed in. "Get up" one man screamed, grabbing Harry by the collar of his shirt.

The second the man's arm touched Harry, Zayn and Liam jumped out of bed. "Let go of him" Liam ordered, his tone showing that he was not messing around.

"I will not hesitate to hurt you if you threaten me and my lovers" Zayn told, making his arms light up with fire.

Niall stood behind Zayn and turned to man holding Harry. "I would suggest you let Harry go, if you don't want my friend here to burn you alive."

The other intruders in the room pulled out swords and knives, getting ready to fight to the death. The lads took that as their cue to power up. If it was a fight these people wanted, then the Freedom Fighters would give them one hell of a battle.

Harry pushed the man holding him back with the wind and hovered in the air. "You assholes ready to die?" he asked, his mind going red with anger. If this was the payment they received for fixing Germany, than he might reverse everything they had done.

"EVERYBODY STOP" Adalard commanded, entering the tent and getting in between the two angry groups. "Everybody put down your weapons and listen to me."

All eyes were on the older woman. Zayn watched with cautious eyes as the intruders lowered their weapons. When the weapons touched the ground, Zayn made the fire on his arms dissolve.

Adalard took the moment of silence to continue on with her speech. "I am sorry for the intrusion boys. My friends here are a little too trigger happy."

"Why did they barge in here and try to kill us?" Liam questioned, standing defensively in front of his boyfriends.

"Because they thought you were the Fearsome Five."

"Why would they think that?" Louis gasped, hating just hearing the evil group's name.

The older woman glanced over to the intruders with sad eyes. One of the men stepped forward and apologized. "I am sorry for drawing such quick conclusions about you guys, but after all we have been through you are lucky we didn't kill you in your sleep."

"That still doesn't explain why you tried to kill us?" Zayn stated, wrapping his arm around Louis.

"There was an attack on one of our camps. The group was run by a man named Ahren" the older woman explained, with a deep sadness in her voice. "He was a good friend and would always be the first person to arrive to every meeting."

Liam stared the group of people in front of him. He felt pity for them, they were scared. Scared of everything they could not understand. "How did they die?" the boy asked.

"We aren't sure. Aiden, who is one of my messengers, was the one who found the camp destroyed with bodies everywhere. He reported the deaths were of unnatural causes" the older woman described.

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