Chapter 7- Insecurities and YouTube Videos- Part 1

Start from the beginning

"PLEASE!!" Jungkook shouted.

"Then it's settled. If we can't find her there, we can try searching the city."

The boys began making their way back to the dorm.

'I hope she's there.' Jungkook thought. 'I don't need to freak out any more than I am now!! I can't stand not knowing where she is!!'

Pondering upon his thoughts for a little longer, he was cut off before everyone arrived at the dorm's front door.

RapMon hesitantly opened the door to find Y/N's hat on the table and her shoes on the floor.

"Ok, I found some of her things. But that doesn't always mean she's actually here..." He said to the others.

'Don't say that, hyung!!' Jungkook couldn't take the stress.

The boys split up and began searching the dorm.

V went into the dining area and checked everything, even the pantry.

"She's not in here!" He shouted.

"Not in here either!" Jimin said from the living room.

"Nada!" - RapMon

"Zip!" - Suga

"Zero!" - J-Hope

"Nothing!" Jin

Jungkook decided it was a good idea to upstairs and look.

"Guys, I'm going upstairs." He told his hyungs.

They nodded and he climbed the stairs, shaking.

He checked everyone's room and Y/N wasn't in any of them.

'Body, just induce a panic attack now, please!' He thought.

Slowly walking to his room, he nervously opened the door.

Y/N heard the door creak open and slightly opened her eyes to check it out. The next thing that happened was just a blur.

When Jungkook saw Y/N asleep on his bed, all the stress was lifted from his shoulders. He wasn't freaking out anymore.

He rushed forward and lunged at her, wrapping her in his arms, which immediately woke Y/N up.

"Who?! What?! Where?! Why?!" She jumped, feeling Jungkook slam into her.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!!! Jagi, don't scare me like that again!!!" Jungkook yelled, tightening his hold on her.

"I was so worried..." He nuzzled his cheek into her hair.

Feeling wetness on her head, she asked him, "Are you crying?"

Jungkook took one hand and felt his face. There were tears streaming down from his eyes.

"I guess I am.." He sniffled, cuddling
Y/N even more.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm here, ok?" Y/N said in a soothing voice.

"I c-can't help i-it." Jungkook mumbled. "I w-was worried s-sick!" His voice was trembling because of how hard he was crying.

Y/N felt sad now. 'I didn't mean to worry anyone, let alone make one of these boys cry.' She thought.

Y/N frowned at this before feeling something go around her.

Jungkook had wrapped his legs around her.

'Ok, I don't think he's leaving for a while.' Y/N sighed.

Deciding to just go with it, she relaxed her tensed up body and laid in Jungkook's tight embrace.

Unexpectedly, the door of Jungkook's room slammed open to reveal the rest of the boys standing there.

"DID YOU FIND HER YET...oh..." V shouted before seeing Y/N on top of his dongsaeng.

"Hallelujah, she's ok!!!" Namjoon sighed in relief and leaned against the wall.

"Y/N, we were so scared!! Don't freak us out like that again, ok?!" Jin scolded her like a mom would her child.

"Yeah I can tell. I promise it won't happen again, Oppa." Said girl did a thumbs up the best she could, 'cause her arm was crushed underneath Jungkook's grip.

'Why doesn't sHe CaLl mE oPpA???!!!! Oh wait, shes older than me, bUt sTiLl!!!!!!!' Jungkook was fuming as of that moment, but he tried his best not to show it.

"When you guys are done with your little cuddle session or whatever, come down 'cause we wanna talk to you, Y/N." Yonngi said before leaving with everyone else and shutting the door.

"You heard him, let's go." Y/N started wriggling around before she was flipped around so her back was on the bed. It was her turn to be crushed. (not literally xD)

"Nooooonaaaaa..." Jungkook cooed in a whiny voice.

He laid himself on her, snuggling his head into her stomach.

He wrapped his arms around her, taking in her scent.

"Can't we stay like this?" He looked at her, pouting.

Y/N sighed. 'My lord, it's so cute...why is he like this?!'

"Alright, fine. But just for another 10 minutes at least." She told him.

Jungkook smiled and cuddled into her again.

'This kid, I swear.' Y/N thought.

She ran her fingers through his hair, not really sure what to do with her hands.

After her hands got tired, she stopped before hearing a whimper come from above her.

Jungkook took Y/N's hand and put it back on his head, wanting her to pet it again.

'Yeah, we're gonna be here a while...' Y/N thought.

She stroked his head again and he took delight from this.

Jungkook adjusted himself and laid his head on Y/N's chest, sighing in content.

He put his arms around her neck, nuzzling into her chest more.

'Ok, is he just gonna cuddle me to death or...what??' Y/N asked herself.

A few seconds later, she felt Jungkook's breathing slow down, and his movements come to a stop. He wasn't nuzzling into her, he wasn't breathing heavily, he wasn't sighing.

He was asleep.

'Oh my God..' Y/N facepalmed herself. It was gonna be some time before she went anywhere.

'You gotta be kidding me!!!'

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