You are the Sun, My Moon and All My Stars

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Niall's POV

"Ms. Davis, I want to ask permission for your daughters hand in marriage." I said in one breath. She smiled at me and looked at her hands.

"I've been waiting for you to ask this question for years, I always thought though that it would have been her father or...or, John you would ask. But for reasons I'm not going to back track to now, I'm happy you're asking me." She looked at her hands and back up at me.

"But Niall silly, I told you when I met you that you had permission to marry my daughter. And my thought hasn't changed, I've been waiting forever till you'd finally come and ask me. I'm so happy and I love you like a son, and I'm happy you make my daughter happy. I can't wait until you both start a family. Yes, you have all of my blessing to marry my daughter." She said smiling. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in..I got up and we hugged in the middle of Cassie's mothers living room. There were a lot of memories here.

Like the first time I met Cassie's mother and John..they looked like the perfect happy, knowing what he did, I could never forgive him, but I feel so sorry for her mother, she lost a daughter, a husband, and a second chance..

The time when I had to wait patiently when Cassie went missing..the place I went after Cassie left me and told her mother everything before I told her. Her mother, was like my mother, only she was closer than my actual mother was, who lived all the way in Mullingar. She was always watching out for us, and she never gave up on us. Especially Cassie. 

After I talked to her mum for a bit, I left and headed home. Shutting off the lights as I turned up the driveway..I shut the car off and walked inside ever so silently.

I walked upstairs and took off my coat and boots..pulling my shirt over my head and kicking my pants aisde. I slid in bed, wrapping my arms around her. I heard her breathing and felt her smile on my cheek. 


Cassie's POV

I woke up and Niall was still asleep, entangled in me. I moved his arm and he rolled over onto his side. I laughed and got up, throwing on a tshirt and undies and walked downstairs. 

I laid on the couch for a bit watching some tv when I got extremely hungry. I got up and grabbed a pan and some pancake mix. 

I was waiting to flip them over when two strong arms wrapped around my waist and I saw a mess of blonde hair on my shoulder. 

"Good morning my love" I said. I felt him smile on my shoulder.

"Good mornnninnnggg" He sang. 

"you're quite cheerful today!" I laughed as he hopped up on the counter.

"I am. Just happy to have you." He smiled.

"Did it have anything to do with where you snuck out to last night?" I smiled, I didn't care where he went, I just wish I kind of knew, instead of him sneaking around. 

He deadpanned.

"It did, but it wasn't anything me." 

"Where did you go?" I asked calmly.

"Just to visit someone close to us both." 

I knew it..he went to see Kylie..we both go there a lot, her and I visit Hannah, and sometimes my father. I understood if he wasn't feeling okay and just wanted to get out to talk to someone for a bit, I know everything about him, so I trust thats where he went.


Niall's POV.

When she asked where I went, my heart practically stopped, I couldn't tell her I went to visit her mother! She would definitely know somethings up!

"I just visited someone close to us both" I smiled and hopped off the counter. I hope she bought it.

"Oh, I get it." She looked down at the pancakes, flipping them over.

"It's okay." I kissed her on the head.

"I miss her you know...a lot." she said quietly.

"Who?" I asked.

"Hannah..and Kylie. I mean, Hannah, I go to her grave all the time...I miss her Niall. The past is the past, we looked passed that, she was like my sister for those few months she was alive..before the accident. I miss her with all of my heart. It really hurts sometimes too..I feel like I lost a part of me." She said, her eyes welling up.but she sniffled and held back the tears.

"But I have you, and for me, that's enough." She smiled putting the pancakes on a plate and handing them to me.

Ya know I gotta hand it to her, she's the strongest person I've ever met.

* sorry this one is so short. It's took me all morning to write it because I'm at my work. I love you guys and I'm so happy everytime I see a comment or my read-views...I can't believe it.

Big love! More chapters to come! (:**

Man Who Can't Be Moved..-Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now