Chapter Thirty-Two

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***1 Week Later***

It had been another week since Alan and I broke up because ehe told me he was leaving. We hadn't talked and he hadn't come by to see Amaro. I still hadn't told anyone what had happened between Alan and I.

Today, Maks and I were hanging out. He invited me to the park with him just so we could catch up. It was just Me, Maks, and Amaro. I was pushing Amaro in his stroller.

"I haven't seen you in two weeks, what's been happening?" He asks.

"Well, Uh, Alan and I...Broke up" I say.


"He's leaving for college in California in a few weeks, so I told him it would be best if we broke up".

"But, You two just had a baby" He says.

"Yeah, I know, but apparently he doesn't care. He hasn't come to see him since he told me he was leaving".

"Well, How are you feeling?" He asks

"I-I don't even know anymore. I told him I would never take him back and I was done with him".

"Did you mean it?".

"Maks, He's...My soul mate and of course I love him, but I can't keep going back to him if all he's going to do is leave".

"If you don't want him to go, you have to tell him and he might change his mind" He says.

"He won't. He's made up his mind, and what kind of person would I be if I told him to stay and didn't let him follow his dreams?".

"Wasn't there a time you said you were selfish and had to keep holding onto him?" He says referring to the time where I was made to chose over Alan and Dancing.

"Yes, but times have changed now" I say.

"If you won't tell him how you really feel, I'm going to tell him how you really feel" He says.

"I'm not telling him anything. I'm letting him go. I-I through with him" I say. We found a bench to sit down on.

"Are you?".

"Like I said, Maks, I'm always going to be in love with him. He's always going to be the love of my life, and he's always going to be my soulmate, and he's always going to be the father of my child, but I can't make him stay no matter how much I want too".

"Do you want him to stay?" He asks.

"I-I do" I say. Suddenly, A rage of tears come over me and I start to sob. "I do want him to stay, but he won't, he's mad up his mind and there's nothing I can say to him to make him change his mind. He doesn't care about me anymore and he doesn't love his son".

"Hey, Stop" Maks says and pulls me into him. "He does care, He does love you and Amaro".

"Yeah, But he's leaving us" I say.

"Kinley, He's going to be a man. He's going to make a name for himself and give himself a future. He loves you and he's probably doing this for you and Amaro".

"You think so?" I ask.

"I would do it if it meant that Peta and our son would have a better future?".

"Do you think I should forgive him?".

"That's up to you" He says and stands up. "I know you're hurting, Kinley, but if probably hurts him too".

"I hate when he hurts" I say.

"Everything will fall into the place. Everything happens for a reason. Everything someone does is a choice they make because they think it's going to give them a better shot, sometimes it doesn't, but if people don't take chances, they will always regret it".

"I know" I say. "We regret the chances we don't take".

"That's right" He says. "Alan is taking a chance, because if he doesn't do this he's going to regret it, and if you don't let him do it, you'll regret it too".


"Everything will fall into place. Everything is going to be okay in the end".

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