Chapter Eleven

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School was tense. Jenna and I didn't speak in first period, and she got mad if Carson tried speaking to me. Thankfully, Mrs. Warren let Alan and I go to the library again to work on our project. While we were in the library, Brittany and Hayley walked in. They immediately spotted us.

"Look, It's the new love birds" Brittany says walking over to Alan and I.

"What do you want, Brittany?" Alan asks.

"I don't want anything from you, but it seems like Makinley does, what other reason would she want to be with you for?".

"Do you have to be such a bitch?" I say.


"Then why are you being this way?" Alan asks.

"Just because I can be".

"Babe, You know I could always call Maks and get him to take care of those two" I say to Alan. I knew that would scare Brittany and Hayley because they saw Maks as a big and mean bully.

"Maks?" Hayley asks.

"Well, He actually supports Alan and I being together and I know he'd have no problem telling you off" I say.

"D-Derek and Paul could take him" Hayley says.

"Hmm, Could they?" I ask. "They always try to start fights with Maks and end up backing down. Why is that? If they're so tough and can take him".

"If you're looking for a fight, Palmer, you've got one" Brittany threatens.

"I'm not looking for anything" I say. "I wouldn't want you breaking a nail or getting a bead of sweat on your forehead".

"And somehow I'm the bitch?" She asks.

"Hey, I treat you how you treat me. That's the way the would works".

"Whatever" She says. "Let's go, Hayley". They walk away. The bell was about to ring to dismiss to second period, so Alan and I walked to the door and waited. When the bell rang, Lindsay met up with Alan and I to walk to second period. Alan sat at our table now. We all sat and talked about different things before the bell rang. Mr. Stone wasn't at school today and we had a substitute. She didn't have any plans for us so we had a free day.

"We could go back to the library" Alan says.

"Let's go" I say. Lindsay came with us and we went back to our usual corner.

"Why do you all sit back here?" She asks.

"It's sort of like our secret place" I say.

"This is one of the first places I kissed her" Alan says. "It's special for me because of that".

"Why is it special for you, Kinley?" She asks. I look at Alan with a smile.

"It's where I fell in love with him" I say.

"You guys are cute" She says. We both smile.

"Thanks" Alan says. "It means a lot that you don't hate us for being together".

"Hey, Love is Love. It doesn't matter who you love as long as you're happy".

"I'm happy" I say and look at Alan. "Were happy". He kisses my lips gently then pulls away.

"Lindsay, Can you cover for us today?" Alan asks. "Kinley and I never get any time alone".

"Yeah. Yeah, Go out. Skip. I'll cover with Allie too" She says.

"W-Where are we going?" I ask. He stands up and pulls me up by my hand and then helps Lindsay.

"Somewhere only we know" He answers. I didn't say anything back to him. We snuck out the door in the library when our librarian, Mrs. Ross, Wasn't looking. We got to Alan's jeep and quickly drove away.

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