The Wild Pilot

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[The pilot chapter]
{I only found the Super Sentai theme}

Once, there was a peaceful time on earth, Ever since the lost Rangers killed  off humanity's tyrannt. Meanwhile ago, A threat has arisen to destroy both the Dino Overcharge and Lost ranger teams, This is in a different setting to the big picture.

At a School field trip, A class was learning about how eagles adapted to the new environment, but they're all just looking at their phones and not giving a crap, "C'mon! Can teaching teenagers be worthless job after all?! I wish I never started too" said the teacher, "Wait! There is only 20 of you! Someone is missing" he realizes that one person was missing from the class "Where is Darren?!" (Red ranger) The teacher yelled and Darren heard it from where he was. "Sorry Mr. Homer, This is something I gotta figure out for myself" Darren was on top a cliff and he saw the eagle's nest, "How fascinating! I love these types of field trips when I'm alone. Screw those lame people down there!" He raised his voice and it caused him to fall off and roll down, then hurt himself on the ground. "What was that?! -teacher looks upwards-Rockslide!!!" The students and Mr. Homer ran for the bus leaving two students behind, "Wait! We're missing someone again! Where is Mako? (Blue ranger), Maki was seen looking for Darren because she feels like she'll be responsible for his death in this field trip. "Where are you?" She said to herself as she found him laying on the ground covered in his own blood, "Oh no, Please tell me you're ok" She panicked, "I'm ok.....-he noticed that Mako was carrying him up- Aaahhh!" He freaked out, "Whoa! Chill dude! It's not like I like you or anything, it's just......I just want to find where you were hiding! That's all!" Mako assured herself, "Right, why are you here? Should you be with the lame people who can't stop looking at their Snapchats?" Darren asked, "Well, those people are my friends and so are you! You may be different but you work hard. That is the type of person I like about you. In a friend type of way" Maki made things awkward, Shay tried to stand up but his legs were broken by the landing, "Are you alright?! We need to get you to the infirmary! They'll treat your wounds" Mako panicked again, "No! I think my legs -He stood up perfectly- are fine now. I don't know how but I'm gonna go back to the bus, we got a class to catch up to" Darren and Maki ran for the bus as two more people saw them all dirty, Andrew (Green ranger) and Taka (Yellow ranger) saw them but they ignored them as Andrew went to his book and Taka to his music. "Where the heck have you two been?! Making out in a bush or something! -the two were embarrassed- Never mind! We need to head back to the school fill out the report on birds and their habitats!" Said Mr. Homer as the two sat down next each other, "So Mako, Are you interested in me? Because I think you're pretty but single type of girl" Darren asked her, "What, -she had no idea how to react to that- I am single but I'm not..........into you as a love interest but I do have a boyfriend who is not here but he is waiting for me at the campus wanting to drive me home" Mako said briefly, "Ok, -he realized who her boyfriend is- It's Barry isn't it?!" He says and Maki nodded yes, "I knew it! Why date a guy like him? You know he's gonna cheat on you while you're away like this" He reasoned with Maki and the conversation went on until they reached the school. "Ok class! Please hand me your reports on eagles and such magnificent creatures of the world" Mr. Homer ordered, Everyone's reports were blank as he saw them not give a care at all, "Here Mr. Homer! I filled it out in the field earlier while I was alone" Darren said in truth, "Oh! So you and Mako weren't woohoo-ing in a bush somewhere, (Darren: She already has a boyfriend and no way I'm not gonna get a girl like that beauty) Ok! As long as you keep bringing me good work. Like this page was in an essay format! This is the best piece of work I ever received from a student" Mr. Homer and Darren were talking.

Mako went to her boyfriend Barry's car, and kissed him on the check for a greeting, "So babe, How was the field trip with the nerdy one?" He asked, "Hey! Don't insult Darren! He's super when it comes to nature, in smart way that you should learn from him. I mean he is lucky to have people that care for him like his parents" Mako said back, "Ok, let me take you home. You're mom and Dad will be happy to meet me tonight" Barry started up his car and drove off with Maki inside it.

Andrew was still reading his book until he walked into a street light on his way home, but he decided to go to the bookstore to get more to read.

Taka went to his party gang van and was rapping up a storm!

The next day, Before Darren was headed to school, he saw something glowing on the ground, picked it up and asked himself "Have I seen this before? -He remembers- That's right! Before I landed, Some bird man gave me this cube and I just received it now. I wonder why he took it back then gave it up again?" Darren puts that strange cube in his backpack and headed off to
Jungle Grove high school.

Authors note: These six parts will be connected because of time consistency. I don't want to focus on just one charecter per chapter, I want to make this a time to recognize their powers and animal spirits. Give this time as they do that on their own with a new writing style I just started using, Hope you all like the chapters that introduce these five special Rangers.

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