Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

"Oh my God! We've been over this, I don't love him." I cried, trying to keep it together. As crazy as it sounded, I didn't want this to end.

"You may say that, but your heart is saying something else. Besides, I know he adores you. Who am I to stand in the way of what will make you both happy?"

"Tell him!" I told myself. I could tell Paul, he already knew I was from the future, he was open to the concept. I could tell him I was John's granddaughter.

"So do it." I thought. I took a deep breath.

"I'm not in love with John. I just have a connection to him because..." I looked around.

"We're related." I said in a low voice. Paul's dark eyes widened in surprise.

"You...You're related?" He asked, keeping his voice low as well. I nodded silently.

"Wh-Why didn't you tell me before?" He was definitely dazed.

"I...didn't think you'd believe me, I didn't want him to find out...a whole list really. But I am related to him back in my time." Paul still looked like a deer in the headlights.

"So then you're..." He trailed off.

"Ashley Lennon, granddaughter of John." I stuck out my hand, reintroducing myself. Paul took my hand.

" you aren't in love with him...oh my God Ashley, I'm so sorry." He instantly looked embarrassed.

"Hey, don't apologize. You couldn't have known." I shrugged.

"But I could have, you know. You do look a lot like him." He told me.

"Yeah, I know." I nodded.

"So...are you gonna tell him?" I shook my head.

"Not yet. It's too big." I decided.

"Well what's the big deal if he knows? If he's your grandfather in your future, then he already knows you...or will know you." Paul tried to use the correct tense. While that should have been funny, just knowing Paul didn't know what was going to happen to John in 17 years made it sad.

"He um...doesn't..." I trailed off. No, I couldn't say it.

"He doesn't what?"

"I'll tell him. I just need to find the right time." I said instead.

"Well you might wanna do it soon, because I'm pretty sure he's in there right now thinking about how much he loves you." He was right of course. I needed to set the record straight. Maybe it wouldn't wait until after the show but by then, I was on a roll. I'd just told Paul my biggest secret. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him." I answered, turning to go but Paul grabbed my hand.

"About us though...are we still okay?" He asked. I breathed a small sight of relief. He wasn't breaking up with me.

"Yes. Of course we're okay." I replied before going back to the dressing room. I walked right over to John and he looked up.

"There she is." He smiled, his old behaviour returning.

"Hi, yeah. Can I talk to you...alone?" I asked, getting right to the point. He gave me a funny look, but complied. I ignored George and Ringo just in case they were making faces, I couldn't deal with their silliness right now.

"Am I in trouble, mother?" John teased, once we left the room. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"No...I just think we need to clear the air. I think...maybe you might have some misunderstandings about our..." I didn't want to say relationship.

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