A dim light amid death. ~6

Start bij het begin

My cables shot towards his ankles as his legs began to move slowly, startling me as I lost my balance. I rolled onto the floor, swiping against the hard concrete. My arms pushed me upwards as my hands grabbed hold of my two sharp blades, shining with the remaining sunlight as the damp weather shivered through my spine.

I grasped back up and sliced my blades against the ankles, titan blood pouring out as it struggled to stay upright, landing on the floor with a loud thump as steam began to gas out from it's feet, slowly healing.

Mikasa's legs ran up the torso, her feet banging against the chest as she jumped up - her scarf wrapping round her neck as her blades cut the dull eyes, redness dripping from her arm. The arms began to push itself upwards, as I flew over to the back of the neck, groaning as my blades slid against the nape as blood swept onto my arms, the titan falling dead as it began to disappear away into bones and steam.

"Good job." She grabbed my hand and high fived, smiling. "One more to go. Though this one is a little one - though it's abnormal. It'll be hard to get."

A 5 foot titan stood behind the clock tower, it's small hands holding the side of the building as he swivelled his eyes to looks at us, smiling as it began a slow deep laugh, it's mouth forming a large semi-circle.

"Creepy." I shuddered as I grabbed new blades.

"Yup." Mikasa agreed, doing the same.

Mikasa's gear began to rattle again, though she tried her best to ignore it as she looked angrily at the titan. The cables aimed for the hands, as it was the easiest target. "I'll distract, you slice!" She shouted, gas shooting out behind her as she glided over to the hands.


My slender legs began to run against the concrete, moving over to a building as my gas began spluttering out, my clammy hands holding the trigger as I grabbed my blades protectively, slowly moving over to the titan. My blades crossed against it's ankles, the titan slowly edging down as it face planted the ground.

"Quick, Mikasa! The nape!"

She quickly moved over the neck, her blades cutting against the nape as more blood steamed out as it disintegrated into more steam and bones.

"Nice work" I smiled and embraced her, still grinning. "We make a pretty good team."

"Yeah we do, mystic Eli."

"Ackerman, Jaeger! There's a titan moving towards the people by the gate!" The soldier shouted, running over to us.

A distant piercing cry was heard in the background, a vaguely familiar voice - like a high pitched scream. Me and Mikasa looked to where we heard the voice from, blinking viciously as we sighed and continued walking on the rooftop.

"Move the cart! Can't you see we want to get through?!"

"There's children here!"

"We don't want to die!"

"Move your cart, you selfish bastard!"

Crowds of citizens were gathered round a small old man who had two tall men looking up at the people who were moaning due to their lack of survival as their cart and horses were blocking their pathway.

"Can't you see there is a lot of money in here?!" The old man shouted towards the pedestrians.

"But we want to get through! Tell him, soldier!" A blonde haired man looked towards a hopeless rose soldier.

"Er--" The soldier thought until he was rudely interrupted by the old man.

"There is a lot of royal money in here! And I can report to the king that you are being disrupted and fire you and- and- and execute you!!"

"Mommy, when is daddy coming back?" A young girl was embracing her mother, her cheeks tear stained as her brunette hair reached her shoulders.

"Soon. It's gonna be okay." Her mother reassured, slowly patting her head.

"Mommy, what's that noise?" She pointed at the alleyway, where loud thumping noises were head and seemed to get closer. A drunk man was hobbling towards the crowd, until...

A titan with arms that went round in circles by his sides trotted towards them, around 15 metres tall as the abnormal shot the man in the air and ran closer to the people.

"It's too fast!" The soldiers echoed, gas spluttering out from behind as they were reached only around 2 metres away from the titan's nape. I went at the same speed as them, though Mikasa was way too fast.

She swivelled her blades round and twisted her body, until she was only a few centimetres away from the titan's neck. Her sharp swords rose upwards as it raced downwards and sliced it's nape downwards, the titan falling down to it's death as Mikasa stood on it's head.

Shadows loomed underneath her eyes as she frowned at the old man that stood and looked at her. "Just what do you think you're doing?"

"Good timing! You! Make them help me out! I'll reward you handsomely!" The old short man shouted towards Mikasa.

"My comrades are dying as we speak. The non combatants haven't evacuated yet, so they're fighting the titans and dying. " Mikasa said, shocked.

"That's only natural! It's your duty to offer up your hearts to protect us civilians and our wealth! Don't get all high and mighty just because you parasites have finally emerged from 100 years of uselessness!"

Mikasa's eyes were half open as she pounced of the head, landing on her feet and knees bent as she stood up tall with her blades still in her hands. She began walking through, the people making a path for her as she strolled onwards.

"If you think it's natural that people die for others, then i'm sure you'll understand. Sometimes, sacrificing one precious life can save many others."

"Just you try it! I've known your boss for a long time! You're just a grunt, I can tell him to end you!"

Her blades swung to the side as she hit the back of the two men's necks, making them fall onto the ground and hold themselves cowardly.

"But how is a corpse going to tell anything?"

He stepped back cautiously as Mikasa held up her blade swiftly


Mikasa's blade stopped right at his neck.

"B-boss..." A blonde haired man said quietly to him.

"Pull the cart out." The old man said to the two men.

They gripped the sides of the cart, their legs pushing backwards as they transported the cart over to the side as the citizens began to surround it, running over to the gate to escape into safety.

"Thank you, Ms Soldier!" The little girl with a white shirt, brown blouse and long red skirt screamed, smiling at Mikasa as her mum held her kid by the shoulders, also smiling.

"You saved our lives. Thank you so much." The mother bowed her head as Mikasa smiled.

Mikasa placed her blade back and saluted, her right hand clenched into a fist as she placed it on the top left side of her chest, her left arm at the back as she closed her eyes and smiled.

The little girl's mouth smiled widely, gazing at Mikasa who turned her back and walked back onto the roof to join us soldiers.

Rain began to pour from the heavens above, drops of water dropping onto the concrete ground as the skies turned grey and the clouds turned black.

"Well done, Ackerman. I'm impressed." The blonde haired soldier said.

"Thank you, sir. However... I acted far too hastily. I dulled both my blades in one attack. I'll be more careful next time." She released her blades.

"Seriously, what happened to make you so --?"

Mikasa looked at him.

"Nevermind. Forget I said anything."

She wrapped her scarf round her nose as her black pupils began to shake.

-Counting Stars- An AoT/SnK FanFicWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu