You can't lay here forever singing annoying rhymes like it's going to save your sorry ass.

May I remind you that yet again,  the reason I am in this shit is because of you?

Oh yeah cause the alternative was so much better, I saved you and you know it.

From one situation, but what the hell am I supposed to do now? The only place I've been to that isn't this palace is the slave camp of eternal damnation. I don't know what is out there, who is out there or even where is out there. Knowing my luck even if I can get outside the palace grounds I'll die as soon as I stick my head above the ground.

All valid points, but as for your 'what who and where's' did you forget that you are essentially sitting in the underworld's version of Google? It can tell you all of those things if  only you would stop singing that fucking song for two seconds and ask it.


I stretched my arms out in the living rock that surrounded me, marvelling still at the undying enthusiasm with which it curled around my palms and swam between my fingers.

Please take me to a place where I won't die. I commanded. The rock sent shivers down my body in acknowledgement of my request and ever so slowly, I began to move.


My eyes flew open at the first touch of a breeze that flowed gently over my skin. It seemed that I'd fallen asleep somewhere between the palace and wherever it was that the rock had decided I wasn't going to die. I rubbed my head, dazed by the light that now surrounded me.

All natural light in the demon world was tinged an odd red colour that I still found very noticeable even after having been here for so long. It never seemed to get beyond a certain level of brightness either, nor did it ever get completely dark. The world of demons was trapped in an eternal day that had no sun and no moon. It was probably just a coincidence with its positioning under the earth, but I suspected it was more purposeful. So that you could never count how many days you had been trapped for, never feel their beginning or end.

The usual faint smell of smoke and dust in the air was now mingled with something else, something sweet. Blinking my eyes to clear the blurriness from them I saw the source of the smell; a myriad of flowers moved and swayed above my face like dancers in the wind.

Their sweet heavenly smell quickly became overpowering. It stuck to the back of my throat and choked me with its intensity. I sat up, gasping for air that wasn't saturated in the sickly sweet scent. Though indescribably beautiful, the flowers stank of rotting fruit and flesh and left me retching with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"How peculiar for a demon to be disgusted by the filth of its own creation."

I frantically stood from the flowers and wiped my eyes, looking around for the voice that somehow managed to sing like a nightingale and bristle with hatred at the same time. Finding it I stumbled back a few steps, nearly tripping at the sight before me. Sat nonchalantly on a moss covered boulder was a man entirely in white, a man with giant wings of pure snow that caught the red light of the underworld and shimmered a faint dusky pink.

He scoffed at the look on my face with incredulity.

"What a coincidence that you should appear in the very place that sin was born. Though I doubt if you would care to know, this garden is the place where the snake that first tempted the humans to sin was created. And now, a second snake has been born." He looked at me in disgust as he stood from his position on the boulder, his movements flowed like water. "But I shall not worry over what you may have whispered into the ear of humanity given the chance, as you will never get so far as to even look at a human."

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