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"That movie was amazing!" Yoongi stood up and clapped. JP heard a sniffle and looked over at Hoseok, "Are you crying?"

"They named him Brian!" JP gave a small smile and rubbed his back, "I cried at that scene too, it was so touching." Turning the TV off, they sat there and continued the conversation about JP's interest in cars.

"I don't remember exactly how I got into cars; I think it was from my dad. He had this nice car and I would ask him a question like what is it and I would look inside the hood to see the engine and everything. Eventually it led me to watch the Fast and Furious movies and afterwards I loved cars since,"

"That's awesome. Now I have a serious question, what is your all-time favorite car from the series?"

JP didn't hesitate, "Brian's Skyline GT-R from '2 Fast 2 Furious'. I love the interior design and the exterior of the car, its blue and silver which is an amazing combination. Yeah blue is my favorite color if you didn't know,"

"Dang girl that's amazing. I'll be honest, I don't know much about cars like Jungkook and Yoongi," Namjoon said, "Actually besides them two, and the rest of us don't know much. Like we will know the major brands like Toyota, Honda, or Chevrolet but we won't know the exact name car like Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla.

"That's okay though nothing wrong with that," JP said. They all heard the door unlock and Alyssa walked through the front door. "Hello!" They guys were standing up and greeted her by bowing down politely.

"Oh my, hello there. You guys don't need to bow okay? It's only me so greeting is good enough," Alyssa said and went to her room to change. "Well this is our cue to go, we'll see you tomorrow JP!" They all filed out the door one by one and Taehyung was the last one to go.

"What is it Tae?" JP noticed a smile form on his face, "Nothing I just wanted to say I had a lot of fun today and sorry about the conversation at the beach."

"I had fun too and there is nothing to apologize for okay? I knew you guys will know about it sooner or later,"

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow," Taehyung gave her a hug and left...but he's the sweetest of them all.


The next morning happened like yesterday, JP was greeted by BTS sitting at the dining table eating. "You guys are here again? Let my aunt rest in the mornings~" JP teased.

"We did! Jin was the one who cooked," Namjoon pointed out. "Oh okay good. Is there any for me?" She scanned the table and saw no food. The guys ate it all. All. Of. It. JP rolled her eyes and got herself a bowl of cereal, "In my defense there was plenty of food for everybody but the guys turned into pigs and ate everything!" Jin yelled.

Alyssa came out of her room and was dressed. "Hey Tita why are you dressed up this morning? Do you have a meeting or something?" JP asked in Tagalog.

"Of course I do, it isn't the weekend remember?" JP did remember which was why she was getting ready for her morning class. "Guys I can't take you anywhere this morning or at least the next three days. I still have classes to go to in the morning and I can't miss them."

"But you missed yesterday?" Jimin said. "I didn't have classes yesterday, Monday's are days off for me."

"But we wanted to hang out with you!" Hoseok whined. "Same here but I'm sorry. I'll see you guys after my classes okay?"

The guys dropped JP off at the school entrance, "We'll pick you up okay? Text us prior class ends," Namjoon said. "Okay, I'll see you guys later. Go explore,"

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