We ran up the stairs and Jack slammed the door behind him.

"So let's start studying," I said before planting my stack of books on his bed.

Jack's P.O.V

If you ever have the chance to meet me, or you left with only one piece of advice, here it is.





Seriously! Whenever I tried to sidetrack her or talk about something else OTHER than Geography she would just shush me! So before I could die of boredom, I grabbed the book she was studying and tossed it across my room.

"Hey!" She said, annoyed.

"What?" I said innocently. "Lets watch a movie instead."

"No," she said firmly, sliding off my bed to retrieve her book. "We have to study Jack, that's what we're SUPPOSED to be doing. But before she could walk another step, I held her hand. She looked back at me.

"Please?" I said, pouting my lip.

After a few seconds she grunted and nodded her head, making me jump excitedly out of bed to go choose a movie.
"Lego Movie?" I asked, waving the DVD at her. She cocked her eyebrow.

"That's such a kid's movie Jack."

"So?" I said, sliding the DVD into the player. "You can never be too old to watch Lego Movie."

Once the player was running, I hopped back onto my bed next to Elsa, but I realized that she was slightly moving away. I was about to ask her why, when all of a sudden I remembered.

That night.

That night I slapped her. Just remembering her face made me wrench with guilt. Luckily, the movie started to play, and the awkwardness slowly started to disperse. During the movie, I didn't try to make a move on her. I knew in my heart that I couldn't do that because she was Elsa. If it were any other girl then I would definitely make a move again but this time was different. So once the movie was finished, we were both tired, but at least nothing bad had happened.

"Well, I guess I should go," she said before getting up.

"Hey, what time is it?" She asked.

I looked at my wall clock and my eyes widened in surprise. "It's 11:48pm."

 She huffed as she quickly grabbed my bags. "I have to go then, or else Anna will get upset." 

"Come on, something could happen to you!" I said.

"Jack, I live right next door. We're neighbors, remember?"

"You never know."

She groaned in frustration and looked at me. "Then can I stay the night?"


Then she started to go pink. "Why are you blushing?" I asked.

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