After the Fact

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I sat in a room and waited for the ‘last goodbye’ from family and friends. In my case, friends. First to visit me was Caledon and Margery.

“What on Earth has gotten into you, child?!” She looked very flustered and started pacing the room. “You have no chance against those victors!”

“Technically twenty-three of us have no chance.” I say dryly.

“We’ll sponsor you as we can. Rally the people.” Caledon looked morose.

“I think sponsors should be the least of my worries, I am from the Capitol and they’ll see me as a weakling that they need to protect. Maybe they’ll even compare me with their own children.”

“You’ll come back in a coffin! What was the point of us taking you in if you’re just going to die anyway?” Margery was still pacing, and I assume she was muttering more to herself than to me.

“Oh you’ll still get what you were promised; I’ve never been a part of that arrangement anyway. I only found out when you accidentally let it slip a few years ago! That was a part of my reasoning for this.” I said irritably.

“What good will it do? You’ll both be dead!” She shrieked.

“That’s what you think.”

“Well I can’t see any other solution.”

“I don’t think this is the time to discuss something like this.” Caledon piped up.

“Well I don’t see there being any other time to do it.” Margery’s cheeks were flushed and she looked like she was about to start hyperventilating.

“You’ll see.” I say as the door opens and the peacekeepers order Caledon and Margery out.

“We’ll be seeing you soon, don’t get caught or you will die.” Caledon said sternly.

I understood what he meant even if Margery didn’t. His help will be crucial for my survival and the completion and success of my plan.

“I know what to do.” With that they were gone.

I didn’t expect anyone else so I waited to be escorted elsewhere; instead I came face to face with the President of Panem and the Head Gamemaker. Snow and Crane.

“I must say I have never experienced anything quite like this in my years as President.” Snow walked purposefully around me and came to rest in an armchair in the corner of the room.

“Well, I figure that we want to show the districts that the Capitol is in control, but that we are fair. And by placing a Capitol resident in the games we will prove that even we are not exempt from being disciplined. I hope to prove to the districts that the Capitol is fair and just. That is of course, until I slaughter them all and gain the glory for the Capitol.” I looked hungrily at Snow who returned my gaze with what seemed to be approval. “I’m a tough girl, so don’t make it look too easy for me.” I directed that one at Seneca Crane and he smiled.

“I can assure you Miss Hanspark; this will be a game to remember.” Snow smiled maliciously.

“I plan on revelling in my triumph for the rest of my long, luxurious life.”

Crane looked over at Snow eagerly but Snow kept his gaze trained on me. “Well I look forward to watching you in the arena.”

They said nothing more and left me alone in the room. I have no idea how much time had elapsed before the peacekeepers walked in and escorted me out. Seeing as I was already in the city and the others had their trains to catch they transported me straight to the prep area. I watched the clock tick over in my room for over an hour before the doors at the end of the hall opened and three elaborately dressed Capitol citizens flounced towards me.

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