Part - 9

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Before starting I want to thank all of you.
The followers number is 993. Only 7 left to make a 1000 followers. WOW like really WOW.

I didn't expected such a response so fast. Thanks a lot guys.
It's all because of your love that I got I many followers. I hope it becomes 1000 and more soon.



Part 9

"Where is she... why is she not home... she should be back two hours ago and here, she didn't call me and she didn't say anything about coming late..." Nandini's mother was pacing in the hall with her hands flying in the air in all kinds of directions.

Navya and Aliya was following her saving themselves from getting hit by her hands.

"You girls are keeping lot of secrets from me... I should call Nandini's grandmother and father here. Than she will be disciplined..." her tone was angry one moment and then worried the other.

"Aunty Annie listen to us please..." Aliya is always scared of Anita's aggression. She talks loud and never think before doing anything.

"What should I listen Haan... tell me... you girls are telling me where is Nandu... and..."

"Annie Annie... listen to them first..." Sumi came from the kitchen wiping her hands with her apron.

"Ok what's the deal... say it fast.." Aunty Annie sat herself on the couch.

Both Navya and Aliya sat beside her.
"Aunty Annie.. actually the thing is Nandini has a fashion show tomorrow and she has to finish up all the work and be there..." Navya made up a story. She knows that her Aunty couldn't take the fact that Nandini fell unconscious and she will be staying in her bosses house.

"So she had to stay there. But don't worry she will be back tomorrow evening.." Navya concluded.

Aliya watched Navya with wide eyes. She really couldn't build up a lie like Navya.
"And good thing is we are also invited there... so we will be there with her all tomorrow... right Navya.." she added her input.

"Where's she gonna stay the night..." Annie was calmed a little and asked.

"They have arrangements for the staff. The company people are very nice. You met one of them, the lady..." Navya reminded her about Melanie.

Annie smiled and nodded. "Yes. You are right. She is indeed a very humble lady..." Annie said remembering about her.

"Now can we eat.. coz I'm hungry..," Sumi said taking out the plates.

Navya and Aliya took a sigh of relief.


It was a very pleasant morning in Manik's penthouse.
Nandini opened her eyes and stretched her hands spreading across the bed. She didn't realize that she is not in her own bed.
Her eyes fell on the figure sitting beside the bed on a chair. She was stunned to see him so close to her.
'What's he doing in my room...' she sat up suddenly. And looked around.
'Wait a minute.. this isn't my room.. how come I ended up here.. where m I..' she thought.

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