Part - 6

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Part 6

Melanie barged into Manik's office in a very irritating mood.
"Manik... I want to know something today... you said you are hiring an assistant designer to help me prepare for the new venture... it's only few weeks left for the event and I don't have anything prepared... if I do not start now than how will I finish on time..." Melanie was very much worried about her designing department.

Manik watches her worry some face and smiled.

"Manik.." she bangs both of her palms flat on his desk right in front of him in frustration.

He got up from his chair and went around to come on her side.
"Mel... relax... take it easy.... calm down..." he said all the soothing words altogether. He took the glass of water and offered her.
"Here... have a seat and drink some water and take a deep breath,." He said.

She sat down on the chair and took the glass from him. Drank a sip and puts the glass on the table.
Manik sat opposite her on the other couch.
"Ok now start from the start..." he said.

Melanie took a deep breath and said.
"Ok... you have given me a very vague idea that you wanted the clothes for all age people... but you didn't say anything about how the patterns should be... and what about the new line you were discussing with me before you went to Paris...our conversation was left in the middle..." Melanie kept her worries in front of him.

"About that... the new line... as I told you earlier that I'm introducing this new line with the venture, for a reason..." Manik said thoughtfully.

"What about it.." she asked.
"But you have to promise me that you will not reveal this to anyone unless it's done and ready to launch..." he said.

"Okay I promise..." Melanie shook his hand as a promise..

"With the new venture I'm gonna introduce the new line of all the matching accessories from all the brand name companies..," he said.

She was listening very carefully.

"And the line of accessories will be matching with the clothing line I ordered in my trip to Paris..." he rubbed his hands together with excitement and continued.
"It's gonna be one heck of a venture.. the most talked about and supposedly famous venture of the decade.." he said.

Melanie can read the excitement in his eyes and his tone.

"May I know who else knows about this that you just shared such a huge news with me.." she asked smilingly. She is happy that Manik has such impressive ideas about how to grow business.

"No one knows until now... other than you... oh yeah dad has a vague idea that I'm working on something but he don't know the details..." he replied.
"And Kathy knows because she keeps tab of my appointments and meetings but she also do not know details..."

"Manik... as far as I know you... I don't think you are introducing this line of accessories for the betterment of our fashion house... because our fashion house is one of the number one in the nation... so what's cooking in that head of yours...." she asked looking and him curiously.

He watched her for sometime because she was always like an older sister that he don't have.

"Alright alright... I'm doing this for Dhruv.. this new line is for him to manage and I will hand this over to him when it's all ready to roll.." he confessed.

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