Part - 3

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Thank you all for 2k views in two parts. I hope to get more and more views and votes. Thanks.


Part 3

Manik and Dhruv entered in Arun Malhotra's office to see both Arun and Nyonika waiting seated on the the couch.
"Mom... good morning... welcome back..." Dhruv went and gave a kiss on her cheek.

Manik walked and gave a faded smile to Nyonika.
"Nyonika... how's it going..." he Said.

Despite of his dislike towards Nyonika he never lose his manners for her.
"I'm good Manik... how about was your trip..." Nyonika asked. A woman with sharp features and a good height, slim figure that matches her attitude gave a similar smile to Manik.
Plain and fake.

Everyone knows that Manik and Nyonika doesn't get along very well. She never treated him as her son. Dhruv's and Mukti's well being and their safety and security comes first to her.

She never likes Manik because he is always smart, intelligent and also good looking than Dhruv. She wanted Dhruv to be the whole and soul of Malhotra fashion house but that's not going to happen until her husband and her mother-in-law is there.

"Successfull..." said Manik. Simple answer.
"So dad what's this meeting about..." Manik asked taking a seat opposite him beside Dhruv.

"It's about something important I have to tell you all... but before that.. did you hire Mathur's daughter..." he asked.
Manik's mood shifted again.

"Yes dad... I already did... but dad I don't understand... when she is not experienced and I don't even know if she is qualified enough for the job...just because she's someone we know we hire her???  That's not fair to other people who actually deserved the job..." Manik's frustration can be seen through his voice.

"I know son... but she is one of my close friends daughter... he just wanted her to work under us just to get experience of the world. Otherwise she don't have to work at all..they are well off without working..." Arun explained.
Manik kept quiet.

"Dad what are we waiting for..," dhruv's patience was losing.
"I'm waiting for a special person.." Arun said.
"And that special person is here..."they turned  to the voice that came from the door.

" here???..."Manik and Dhruv got up from their places and held her arms from both the sides to support her.

"why didn't you tell me that you were coming to the office...I would've bring you myself with me..." Manik said.

"Hey beautiful... leave Bhai aside.... you know what I was thinking.. why is the Malhotra fashion house shining brighter differently that I know, it's because of you..." Dhruv never leave a chance to butter up granny. She loves his naughtiness too.

"Naughty boy...." granny patted Dhruv's cheek. " I was missing my grandsons so I came..." she touched her palms to both of their cheeks.
"Dad what's it about..." Manik asked making granny comfortable in the couch.

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