Chapter 21: Kinmoku Falls.

Start from the beginning

"They've stopped attacking right now, we don't know why but we feel they might be preparing to destroy the whole planet." Tia said with tears falling from her eyes.

"Its true." Kakyuu said walking over. "The only thing we can really do now is prepare for the planet's destruction, I'm sorry Mizuki. But there is nothing you can do." She said and Taiki and Yaten placed their arms around her as she began to sob.

Mizuki couldn't believe it, she had left hoping to find a way to defeat Chaos but she didn't know how. What could crystals do against an army of Youma who are as strong as Chaos him self, she was happy her scouts were still alive but they were clearly exhausted. Mizuki opened the small bag that she kept attached to her hip and opened it, inside were all the crystals as well as her own. She had to try something.

"Maybe if I can use the crystals I could make a shield? It might be able to protect the planet, or it might buy us some time." Mizuki said closing the bag with a tight pull on the strings.

Suddenly the doors of the ballroom swung open and Kaori ran it with a big smile on he face.

"Some scouts have come! Some scouts have come to help us and they brought Sailor Star Fighter with them!" She cried and the room erupted into cries of joy.

Mizuki wasted no time, she broke off into a sprint towards the main hallway where Kaori had come from. But then she stopped and released her transformation, she didn't want who ever was here with her father to know until they had to. Then she continued to run until she came face to face with the outer scouts and her father. Seiya placed a hand over his mouth as he looked at the girl before him, thick black in soft waves down her back, two heart shaped odango resting neatly on top of her head and the bluest eyes he had ever seen.

"Mizuki!" He cried out running to her.

"PAPA!" She cried in return and they both embraced each other in a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much Mizuki." He said and Mizuki could feel the tears from his eyes falling onto her cheeks as he looked at her. "You look like you've changed a lot, but you're still my baby girl."

"I've missed you so much too papa, more than you will ever know." Mizuki said wiping some tears from her own eyes.

"Then why did you leave? Why and how did you come all the way here to Kinmoku?" Seiya pleaded, he needed to know why she left. Why she had run away.

"I needed to find my self...." Mizuki said placing a hand on the small brooch that she had on her skirt, to Seiya it just looked like a replica of one of Sailor Moons brooches so thought Mizuki had one made to remember her mother. "But right now this planet is in grave danger, Chaos is here. He's the one behind all the destruction, I don't know why he is targeting Kinmoku but we need to find a way to stop him before he destroys the whole thing."

"We'll deal with Chaos right now you need to hide, are the other girls here with you?" Seiya asked and then an explosion blew the doors off the main entrance of the palace.

Mizuki couldn't watch anymore, she broke free from her fathers hold and ran past the outer scouts who had been silent through the reunion.

"Mizuki come back!" Seiya cried out.

Mizuki kept running and as she ran she placed her crystal into her brooch, then she held it high above her head and cried out.

"Twilight Moon Power! Make-Up!" And she transformed.

Seiya and the outer scouts watched in awe as Mizuki was raised up and began her transformation, ribbons wrapped themselves around her body forming a scout uniform. And then Seiya recognized her, she was the scout who had been taking the planet crystals!

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