I sigh, "You can do my makeup if you want..." I didn't even get to finish my sentence because she started squealing and clapping her hands like she was 8 years old and she found out she was going to Disney... Jeez. I knew she wanted to do my makeup so I let her.

Dakota sits me down on my bed and she runs away to grab a green eyeliner tube and simple white eyeshadow. I lean away from her and she pouts, "What's wrong?" I shake my head, "No eyeshadow... only eye liner." She rolls her eyes, "Its only a base coat Calla.. it really wont show, so get over it!"

She gets to work and she puts the green eyeliner under my eyes and then does a little flick on the side and then uses liquid eyeliner and does my top eyelid. After she blows on the liquid eyeliner to dry, Dakota takes out a eye shadow blush and dabs a little white on and brushes it over my eye lids carefully.

When she's done she steps back and avaluates me before grinning, "You look absolutely perfect! Even though ya looked great before!" I roll my eyes but I smile, "Thank you Dakota for helping me." She waves her hand at me dismissing my thank you, "It was truly my pleasure... you can keep the green eyeliner cause I don't use it!" I smile, "Thank you!"

Dakots laughs and nods her head while walking towards her bed where her back pack was, "So who's walking ya to class?" I was about to answer her but there was a knock at the door. We both walk over, we  swing it open and  Kasper's smiling face comes into view.

Kasper eyes my outfit and his eyes darken with lust but he gulps and takes and step back before shaking his head and smiling at me, "Hey Calla! Ready for your first day?" I laugh saracastcally, "I just cant wait to meet everyone and getting to all of my classes!!!"

He chuckles, "You need to work on your acting skills... but are you ready to go?" I nod before turning on one heel and walking over to pick up my bag, key, class paper, and my cell phone. I walk back to his side before sighing, "Im ready for hell." I turn my head looking for Dakota and Kasper laughs, "She left like 40 seconds ago."

I nod my head and Kasper grabs my bag from me and smirks, "I will hold your bag, my'lady!" I roll my eyes but go along, "Thank you kind sir! What would I ever do with out you!?" He laughs, "I have no idea..."

We walk out of the dorm areas and into the first hallway... and people are here swarming to get to class, talking to friends, laughing. And once I come into view all heads turn towards me. I gulp but I continue walking... but then kids start to stare at not only me but 'Kasper and I'. I quickly take my arm from his and my bag and I look up at Kasper to see his face filled with confusion so I desicde to speak.

I smile, "I'll head to class alone." He nods obviously understanding I want to be alone. I take a deep breathe and ignoring the stares I strut down the hallway.. obviously feeling all of the gazes on me. I feel perfectly fine till I see people holding papers and looking at me... what is on that paper?

A group of jocks come into view and a few of the papers are in their hands so I descide to walk over and have a peek. I approach the boys and I smile, "Hey! I'm Carmelina, and im new to the House of Night. I was wondering if I could have help finding my first class, and if I could see that paper?"

The main jock of the group that has blonde shaggy hair, blue eyes and freckles, a strong build and is about 6'3" looks up at me. His eyes wander down my body scanning me and back up to my eyes, "Sure Carmelina... I would love too. Infact we all would love to walk you."

All of the boys around nodded and smiled at me. I laughed, "Thank you... it would be great. But can I see the paper?" The main jock nods and hands me the paper, "Here you go... oh and my name is Mark." I nod and look down at the paper...

My eyes buldge seeing its the paperwork I filled out with all of my information about my mate, pack, abilities, and powers... everything! Jeez... who the hell would do such a thing???

I look back up at Mark and frown, "Who gave you this?" Mark shivered from my gaze and put his attention on something else, "Some girls that are friends with Cleo were passing them out... im sorry that they went out." I sighed, "Its ok Mark.. its not your fault. Trust me i'll get back at Cleo for this..."

He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist and then taking my bag from me and slinging it on his shoulder. We begin to walk down the hall, "So Carmelina, Did your eyes really glow bright green yesterday? People were talking about it and I wasn't sure if it was a rumor or not."

I sigh and wince, "It wasn't a rumor... my eyes glow a bright, neon green when I get angry or feel threatened cause the Alpha in me comes to the front and the eye color shows that my Alpha side is at the surface." Mark grins, "That is pretty cool! I wish I had special powers... I was gifted by Nyx."

Hmmm... I try to reason with him, "Don't you play football?" He smiles, "Yup... best player on the team." I smirk, "Then maybe she gifted you with the ability to do well in sports." Mark's face lights up and he laughs, "Maybe your right... so what is your first class?"

I think back to my class list and then I reply, "I have vamp sociology with Nyx." He grins, "You have that class with me..." Mark couldn't finish his sentence because the one and only Queen Bitch came... Cleo.

Cleo sneers at me, "Look, if it isn't Miss. Freak." I laugh, "You call me a freak... but everyone else calls me the most powerful person on the world." Her eyes ignite with fire and all the noise in the hall has officially ceased and everyone's eyes are on us.

She snaps, "WHY DOES EVERYONE FUCKING THINK YOUR SO PERFECT AND POWEFUL???? ALL I SEE IS A PATHETIC BITCH!" I smirk, "Hunny... you just need to look in the mirror to find the correct person that fits that definition." Cleo growls, "I will kill you!" I laugh my ass off, "You really think you could? Yesterday you tried to slap me and look what happened... your were on the ground in seconds and I could have broken your back and your arm."

The halls stay silent and I nod, "Exactly... you may see disaster visions... but I am more powerful then that obviously. Everyone knows that now because you were cruel and heartless... showing everyone my personal file and trying to expose me for what I am when there is nothing wrong with who I am. Your just threatened by me." I could tell that made her snap because her fist sprang back and when it came down to hit me I.....

*Too be continued*

Hey guys!!! Cliff hanger ;) ;) Like, Vote and follow me! <3


Kat Akatyszewski <3 xoxo 

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