Chapter 23 - Philip

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A few months later

John's POV

"I told you not to go onto the monkey bars you doofus!" I scolded Alex as we drove him to the hospital after he had fucked up his stitches and healing process of the bullet wound from nearly a half a year ago. He was in fits of giggles as Hercules helped carry him into the hospital. It wasn't anything serious but as usual, Alex was careless.

"Hi Awex!" A small voice yelled, greeting my fiancé.

"PHILIP" Alex scrambled out of Hercules' grip and hugged the child. "What are you still doing here?"

"They're taking me to a place where people send me places" he answered. Alex stared at me, silently questioning me wether I knew what he meant. After a few seconds I mouthed back 'adoption?' and shrugged. A nurse came forward and held Philip's hand.

"Hi, do you know Philip?" She asked, smiling. Alex and I hesitantly nodded and her smile grew further and less fake. "We're taking him to an adoption centre, nearby, he was meant to go months ago but he was waiting for people, I don't know who, he has no family" The nurse shrugged. "Do you want a little time with him?" Alex  nodded vigorously and knelt down in front of the small now six year old once the nurse and her fake smile had left.

"You married yet?" Philip folded his arms and glared at me menacingly- well, as menacingly as a six year old can glare.

"Almost" I wiggled my fingers and smiled, showing off the ring. Philip turned to Alex and hugged him.

"Why does he trust you two so much?" Peggy asked me.

"When you lose your family, you learn that you have to trust and let a lot more people into your life" Alex replied, speaking from experience before I could find an answer myself.

"Ew don't be so sentimental I hate that" she scoffed and Alex playfully nudged her.

After Alex and Philip spent ten minutes chatting the nurse came back. "Are you a relative of Philip's because we really need to get a guardian for him and someone he trusts would be best"

"No, sorry" Alex frowned. "We met a few months ago while I was in hospital and became fast friends because my room was right in front of the childcare place and he was being sneaky."

"Well, too bad." The nurse grabbed Philips hand and turned to leave.

"Um- before you go, what adoption centre are you sending him to?" Alex asked quickly. I shot him a warning look. Was he really thinking about us adopting? We weren't even married yet and we're only twenty one.

"Just the one we have next door, it's very convenient" she smiled and walked off.

"What the hell?" I yelled once I pulled Alex and the rest of the group into the elevator. "We're twenty one and engaged! We're not adopting, you douche!"

"I just wanted to know!" He rolled his eyes, defending himself.

"Oh, yeah right, just wanted to know?" Our friends quickly ran to the car leaving us outside the elevator fighting.

I could sense Alex getting irritated and impatient with me yet I didn't stop. Spoiler Alert: I should've. "Yes! I just wanted to know, now calm yourself" Alex said, still annoyingly calm.

Let Everybody Know - LAMSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang