Chapter 19

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Peggy's POV

I tightened the flannel that was wrapped around my waist as I waited for my two older sisters to finish with their makeup. I was concerned for Eliza, cringing each time her mascara brush nearly touched her eye, it was stressful just to watch. And the amount of different products Angelica uses on her lips, I thought there was just lipstick but there are lip pencils, glitters, powders. It was beyond confusing and I wasn't going to learn it.

"Hurry up! We have to go get Alex!" I pulled on My eldest sisters arm but her stance didn't waver.

"One second!" She huffed, snapping her mini mirror shut. Sometimes I wish I was more like my sisters. Over the last few weeks they'd gotten more popular while I stayed normal. Don't get me wrong, I would hate being popular but I bet it gives them a feeling of importance, I wish I had that feeling. Lizzie and angie weren't girly girls. Though, they were definitely as popular as the stereotypical ones you see on TV.

I bet John, Hercules and Laf are having an easier time with this.

John's POV

"HERCULESSSS!" I screamed, backing away from Lafayette and the weird inky, black, pen thingy he was pointing at my eye. I kept on imagining him as Cruella Deville.

"Laf, for gods sake, lets go see Alex and you can put eyeliner on John later" Hercules persuaded his boyfriend to stop and we walked out of my dorm, making sure I kept distance from Laf.

"Mate, calm down, he's all good, we're just bringing him home" Hercules later me on the back as we got in his car. I nodded, not totally convinced by what he said.


We all, including the Schuyler's, arrived at the hospital to pick up Alex. The marble floors seemed less intimidating and the walls seemed a little glossier. The waiting room looked nicer and everything seemed a bit lighter. As we walked past I heard a familiar voice call my name.


"Hey, Philip! How's it going?" I asked, grinning as he fist bumped me.

"Good! Are you still gonna come see me now that your boyfriend is out of this place?" Philip asked me, his bright smile fading.

"Of course, my boyfriend and I will come visit everyday" I assured the small boy. His infectious smile reappeared as he leaned in to wrap his arms around my chest and hug me.

"Mr Hamilton is good to go" the doctor from last week announced to my friends and I. Philip waved goodbye to me and I returned it with a wave back before following the doctor to Alex's room.

I was scared to open the door, what if he was dead? Or dying? Or anything? It was a hospital after all. Hesitantly, I turned the knob and before I could do anything, the door swung open and I instantly felt the warmth of my boyfriend tightly wrapping his arms around me. Relief hit me like a ton or bricks as he hugged everyone else.

"God I missed you" Alex mumbled into my shoulder as he hugged me again.

"Let's go back to no more drama"

"I agree" he leaned in for a kiss when I heard a voice from behind me.

"HEY ALEX" Philip greeted, loudly.

"Hey Philip! How are you bud?" Alex ran across to the opposite side off the hall to where the childcare rooms were. They weren't really rooms, I guess. It was a space surrounded by a plastic rainbow fence, less than half my height.

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