Chapter 1

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Hiiii this is my 2nd ever fanfic, I'm still currently writing my first one :) hope you enjoy this!

Alex's POV

Wow, you've messed up already, great job Alex.

I groaned in annoyance and turned myself around,  back to the elevator. I had forgotten to get the keys for my new dorm. I rolled my small suitcase back into the elevator with me and tapped my fingers on the metal walls while I waited for the doors to open.

The doors halted open at level two and a man probably quite a few inches taller than me walked in. He had black curls exploding from his hair tie and had a very visible stubble under his mouth and nose which was placed along his dark skin.

"Bonjour! Je'mapelle Lafayette et tu es? Je sais anglais, mais j'adore gâcher avec les gens" the man smirked and stood next to me, pressing the level 1 button.

"Désolé, que vous soyez je Parle courrament en français" I innocently smiled back. I was very fluent in French, I felt as if it were my first language, I much preferred it to English but I use English anyway.

"Hmmmm" he raised an eyebrow like he was deep in thought. "like you, you're my new friend"

"Oh uh, cool! I'm Alexander Hamilton. Call me Alex if you'd like though" the dark skinned man studied my features and smiled back at me.

"Marquis de Lafayette for short and for even shorter, call me Lafayette or Laf" the elevator doors opened and we both stepped out.

"Au revoir mon Ami" Lafayette turned left and proceeded to walk down the wooden hallways and I turned to the right, met by the front desk

"Hi, I'm Alexander Hamilton, I forgot my keys." I laughed nervously. God I hate human interaction.

"Ah! Yes! Here you go!" A small woman  spun her chair around and handed me a gold key that hung on a circular, metal clip. I thanked her and took the elevator back to level three, where my new dorm was.

Standing in front of a dark brown wooden door, I observed my map and guide to make sure I was 100% correct before  attempting to unlock the door and get myself into an awkward situation.

"Hello?" I poked my head through the door to see an empty dorm room. My dorm mate was probably off somewhere else or not here yet so I pulled out my laptop, pens and paper and started writing.

I awoke a few hours later to a pain in my ribs. I winced and looked to see a suitcase was thrown at me.

"Fuck, what'd you do that for?" My head sprung up and I pushed the suitcase away from me before taking a look at the person responsible for my bruised ribcage.

"What? That's what I do with my butler, you'll have to learn to be okay with it if you're going to be my roommate" I stared at the tall figure in front of me. He wore a deep pink, velvet suit and dark purple pants and his hair looked like that boy Lafayette's hair had been blow dried and let loose because it was exploding everywhere and bopped around if the person moved at any point.

"You're my new roommate?" I knotted my eyebrows together and cringed slightly. He was rather tall and looked very content, with a smug smile plastered across his face.

"Yes. And you're my new butler. I'm Thomas Jefferson, you?"

"A, I am not you're butler, I am you're very  disappointed roommate and B, I'm Alexander Hamilton" I dusted off my jacket and picked up the papers that had fallen off my desk.

Let Everybody Know - LAMSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon