Chapter 9 -You're Laughing

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Alex's POV

"I mean, it's not that bad.... you're gay boyfriend is just having sex with a girl who has the same name as his sister in his dorm. Which is also your dorm...." Angelica knotted her eyebrows trying to process what was happening.

"MY completely and utterly GAY boyfriend who gags upon hearing the word vagina is having sex and cheating on me with a girl in my dorm room, which he also shares with me?" I, also in too much shock to do anything about the situation was making my brain run laps trying to figure it out.

"ALEX'S GAY BOYFRIEND FRICKLING THE FUCK OUT OF A WOMAN IN THE PLACE ALEX AND HIS BOYFRIEND WHO IS CURRENTLY CHEATING ON HIM LIVE" Peggy screamed, slamming her hands down on the table, before awkwardly laughing and mouthing apologies at the people staring.

"Ok so now that we've got that straightened out-" I started.

"Yeah, we've got that straightened out and apparently John is straightened out as well!" Hercules exclaimed. Eliza sat there silently the whole time, seemingly thinking over the situation.

"Alex are you just gonna sit here and talk to us or stop your boyfriend from cheating on you?" Angelica growled and I awkwardly stepped back a bit. "YOU'RE INVENTING A NEW KIND OF STUPID"

"Oh look! Pasta!" Everyone's heads turned and I hid under the table. Maybe they wouldn't realise? That's what I thought before I felt Peggy pull me out with all her strength and drag me across the cafeteria floor and over to my dorm room. Where my gay boyfriend was doing who-knows-what  with a girl. I stood in front of the door, wincing every time I heard a moan come from behind the door. Lafayette took a different approach and went from 'every-time- I-look-at-them-it feels-like-I'm-watching-someone-vomit' to 'every-time I-look-or-hear-them-I-vomit.' Lafayette had vomited a lot so far.

"We should go get past-AAAA" Peggy pushed me inside to see John making out with Martha and probably two seconds away from sex. I  grimaced and leaned on the dresser because my legs were giving way. "That gay pride flag sure looks good above some good old heterosexual sex between a gay guy and a straight girl, doesn't it? It really does. It adds a good touch of irony" I shouted, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Captain Buzzkill, why are you here?" Martha rolled her eyes, whining at me.

"I live here. What are you doing in a gay guys bed?"

"I'm doing the gay guy" she responded smugly and I heard more vomiting from outside the door.

"Well you see- that's my boyfriend so I need you to leave" I snapped and my voice became more serious.

"Or maybe you should leave" John pulled on his pants and attempted to push me out the door.

"What has gotten into you? We're dating!? Or at least we're not anymore because apparently Martha Manning is an exception to the laws of dating because when you date someone, you don't cheat on them" I spat at John who simply glared at me.

"Ok then I guess we're not dating, meaning I need you to leave"

"Why should I, dickhead?"

"Because your weird ass lion toy can go with you" I stared at Laurens, discombobulated until he picked up the small, worn out plushy my mother gave me right before she died and he ripped it's head of, throwing the small, cotton filled soft toy head at me and the body at Eliza, who was now furious with anger.


"Alex, take this and treasure it forever, it keeps you strong. You know why?" I shook my head in response to my trembling mother's words. Her face was pale, almost lifeless, because that's what she was, almost lifeless. Her muscles were weak and her words seemed to slip off her tongue. "You're like the lion Because this little lion contains every memory I've ever had with you and you do too, meaning you're a little lion. And little lions make it through" my mother  kissed me on the forehead and I kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you Lexi" she smiled and tears poured down her face. I didn't like it when mum cried. She repeated the four words that I then didn't realise the importance of until years later. "I love you Alex." She said it over and over in that rocking chair she laid in while she rocked me in her arms. She said it until she didn't. She said it until she couldn't say anything. She said it until she died.

John stared at me waiting for a response and it seemed the longer I just stood there holding the ripped lion plushy, the more remorse he felt. Every millisecond regret bubbled up inside him until he couldn't deal with it.

"Alex? Alex? I'm so sorry-" John started and I was about to attempt to reply when Eliza dropped the other half of my mother's lion toy in my hand and I burst into sobs. "No, baby I'm sorry" he tried to put his hands on my shoulders when suddenly Eliza pushed them away.

"Call him that one more time and I'll slap your fucking face off your head, Jacky" Eliza snarled and John looked close to tears himself.

"Eliza you know you can't call me that"

"Try me Jacky"

"Eliza! Let's go" Angelica said sternly, holding back her beyond fuming sister.

"No Angelica I'm not done!" Eliza pulled out of her sisters grip and stood in front of me to face John.

"Ok, you've had a shitty life but believe it or not Alexander has had one too, so get your crap together, don't cheat on your boyfriend, don't confuse him, don't do this to him! I will not watch you stick your tongue down a woman's
throat one more time and if I have to I'll punch you so hard in the jaw you won't be able to stick your tongue down anyone's throat without feeling the pain of a hurricane. If you don't get your crap together then go find some new friends. You brought Alex into this friend group and he's probably one of the best people I know. Now get out of his dorm and take your girlfriend with you because me throwing you two out the window is Plan B to get you out"

We all silently stared at Eliza in disbelief, no one had ever seen her this mad. No one uttered a word until John and Martha had gotten out.

"Eliza maybe you were a little harsh-" I ended the silence only to be interrupted by her.

"Maybe cheating on your boyfriend with a gender you're supposedly not sexually or romantically attracted to is a little harsh" She replied. Guilt and anger seemed to flood her emotions but that's all anyone seemed to feel right now.

"Thank you"

"I'd do anything for you Alex, you've become one of my closest friends, you're almost like my little brother, don't forget it" Eliza hugged me tightly and generously allowed me to lean and sob into her shoulder while she sang to me.

I just need to breathe




Once again I am v sorry. Throw whatever objects you want at me.

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