Chaoter 13 - Wait for it

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John's POV

"Ok the plan is, call your dad, ask him to come over and we tell him? Easy? Easy" Peggy said, pacing around the room, trying to convince herself we wouldn't die.

Peggy and I were in my dorm preparing ourselves for the hell we were about to bring upon ourselves. She counted down until I pressed the call button each time and after 7 tries he finally answered.

"Hey dad- I mean, dude- no, um- can you come over to the college?"

"Why should I?" He responded, obviously drunk. I knotted my eyebrows and scrunched my nose up, disgusted that I was almost able to smell the alcohol in his breath because of the countless number of times I had smelt it before. I knew it so well, probably too well. Peggy stared at me wide eyed and I silently panicked,  waiting for her to give me a solution.

'Say you're.... getting married to Martha?' Peggy mouthed and acted out what she was trying to say. (She did a rather inappropriate action for saying Martha's name)

"Because... Martha and I are getting married. And you know, you need to be here, duh" I replied, very unconvincingly but he was drunk so I hoped he would still believe me.

"Hm. At least you're not a fag anymore. You're still an embarrassment but I we can deal with that. " and the call ended.

"Not so bad" Peggy shrugged

"Not right now"

"THE DEED IS DONE" Peggy screamed, entering the Schuyler's room where the group was all watching some movie or other and everyone laughed at Peggy and I, I don't know why.

"Ok so this drama has all been great fun" Alex said sarcastically "but after tomorrow, let's go back to our peaceful, gay lives"

"A gay life, a very uncommon feeling to John Laurens" Eliza said, a smile plastered onto her pale face.

" I had a crush on John Laurens. Too bad he's straight. I'll just settle for Patrick from The Perks of being a wallflower then" Alex took a sip from a beer bottle and everyone laughed hysterically.

"Alex you douchebag, no one settles for Patrick. Patrick is a fucking god don't say that about my baby Ezra Miller" Angelica snapped at Alex, the pitch of her voice changing every millisecond.

"Oh true. I would eleven out of ten bang Ezra Miller" Eliza replied. Everyone nodded and Eliza continued to talk. "Emma Watson or Ezra Miller?" She asked Alex.

"Fuck you Eliza, playing with my bisexual heart don't make me choose between gods I hate you"

"I hate you too"

"In an alternate universe, if we got married I would kill you" Alex said to Eliza who was now glaring at him.

"That's not even how alternate universes work dumbass" Eliza giggled and they continued to bicker like an old married couple.

"You know who would make a great couple? Bryce and jail because he is a RAPIST. That liTTLE SHIT" Angelica screeched at the TV.

"13 reasons why, more like 13,000 reasons why Bryce should go to jail" Lafayette glared, throwing a baguette at the TV.

"Are you guys... drunk?" I asked and they all nodded like 5 year olds.

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