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A few months later (bc I suck at writing angst)

John's POV

"There is a child sitting on the sofa in our apartment" I announced in shock as I closed the door behind me, staring at the child that had plopped themselves on the blue couch of Alex and I's new apartment.

"I ADOPTED A CHILD" Alex screamed, jumping from his chair, giddy with excitement.

My jaw dropped and I stared, astonished. "YOU ADOPTED A WHAT?" I waited for whatever was happening to process through my brain but it wouldn't.

"A child. You see, John, a child is made when a woman and a man love each other very dearly..." my husband began.

"Or a gay couple needs one and medical stuff happens" Peggy piped up from the other side of the room.

"Or that" Alex added, still beaming.

I stared blankly. So let me get this straight. I have a child now. I've been officially married for three days and I now have a child. With my husband. Who's pretty much a child himself because he acts like a four year old. Ok.

"His name is Philip and I love him more than I love you. Remember the boy from the hospital?" Alex picked up the six- or five? Or-? I have no idea. Anyway, he picked up the kid and kissed him on the forehead. Realistically, I would've started screaming and crying hysterically but instead, something took over me as I stared at Philip smiling and laughing with my even less mature husband.

"How...exactly did you achieve this?" I questioned.

"He's a miracle worker" Peggy smiled. "Come on Philip! Let's watch Star Wars again!" She cooed in a baby voice as she tickled his tummy.

"Then can we go see Wonder Woman again?" Philip asked.

"For the ninth time?" Alex laughed and Philip nodded without hesitation. "Of course"

I heard he small boy shout "JUSTICE LEAGUE" faintly as soon as Peggy took Philip up to his room to watch Star Wars. I sat down at the dining table with Alex. "Wasn't he sent to one of those kid medical hospital thingies?"

"Nah they decided it wouldn't be healthy for him at such a young age and just sent him to an adoption place and I signed stuff and they checked stuff and now I have a child! Look, before you say anything, both his parents died. Apparently his mum was pregnant with a baby brother for him when she died and it's not going to be easy bringing up a kid who's going to face so many future problems but I don't trust anyone else to do it if they don't know what growing up fucked up is like" Alex was looking at me very seriously like it was a life or death decision and for this kid, I guess it was.

"I know this sounds selfish but- Alex, it's going to be so hard bringing up a child who has gone through more stuff before the age of five than an adult might go through." I sighed, rubbing my forehead as if I had a headache.

"That's my point! We've been through tough situations as kids, haven't we?" He waited for me to nod, eyes wide. "So we can bring him up, right! We know a lot of the do's and dont's  and there will of course be a lot of new stuff to learn considering his situation is different from our ones but since we have both been through plenty more than few lucky people can imagine, it proves we're the right people to bring him up." He continued when I nodded. " And! I believe that when you go through a lot of shit, the universe likes to make up for it a little. Like how you were the universe's apology gift for me, we can be the universe's apology gift for that little guy" As soon as Alex finished his sentence a loud laugh came from both Peggy and Philip.

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