Author's Note

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Hello! 👐🏻

First off, sorry for the extremly cruel cliffhanger. Your questions about it will be answered later in the series. Promise. 🤝

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read my story! Once again I loved reading all the comments. Even if you're a silent reader I still appreciate you reading my story. ☺️

So here's some sort of big news.

I've come to realise that sometimes I don't have enough time to write 😪 and that I rush write because I made promises to update. I feel like my story could have been written better if I hadn't done that. (So when I have time I'm probably going to be editing. The story line will remain the same though!)

Also, at some moments this really stressed me out like with school and stuff. 😓 Which it shouldn't because I love and usually really enjoy writing.

That's why I've decided to first write the next book and when it's finished post it in one go on Wattpad. You can already download it if you want but I have no idee when it will be finished so please don't check every day or something. 😅

Again thank you for reading this story, I really hope you liked it. 🙂

The next book is called:


Goodbye for now, hopeu to be able to write to you again soon! 👋🏻

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Goodbye for now, hopeu to be able to write to you again soon! 👋🏻

With much love, 21WhiteFlower ❤

P.S. I just can't write short A/N's can I? 😉😂

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