Chapter 4

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Saphire's P.O.V.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

Short after the mystery man said this he let go of me. But when I turned around he was gone. The only thing that showed he had been here was the ground where he stood, which was slightly burnt.

What just happened?


I was at home now. In my room, on the bed, with the curtains drawn. I was still trying to procces what had happened. So far I knew this.

- A man had been stalking me for 'a while now'.
- He was a Firestone pack member
- He had the ability to teleport, apparently

The last thing had me a bit unseasy. I wonderd if this meant he could come into my room anytime he wanted. And if so, had he done it before?

He knew from my nightly trips to the city, but hadn't been specific about knowing where.

I sighed and wrapped my blanket closer around my body. The last question was what troubled me most.

Why was I so attracted to him?

At that moment someone knocked on the door. At first I was afraid that it could be the mystery man, but then I realised that even if he could come into my house, he certainly wouldn't knock. He'd probably just materialize in my cubord or something.

"May I come in?" It was my mom. She looked alot like an older version of me. The only difference was that she had brown eyes instead of blue. I had inherited those from my father.

"Of course." I said and my mom opened the door.

She came in and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Are you alright dear? You looked a bit pale when you came back from your walk."

I didn't like lying to my mother, but I didn't want her to worry either.

"I'm fine, it was just a bit cold outside." 

My mother nodded. Then she said:

"Oh, by the way, Andrew came by. He said he had important news. He told me he'd be at your spot."

Our spot wasn't really that special. It meant the roof of the pack house. But a it was special part of the roof. Where no one could see or hear you due to the fact it was in  behind one of the large chimneys.

"I probably shouldn't keep him waiting then." I said, forcing a smile on my face.

After that my mother left and I sighed. If one person could make sense of my situation it would be Andrew.

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