Chapter 22

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Saphire's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my room, praying for the hundreth time to the Moon Goddes for my mate to appear, when he did. I rushed down the stairs where my father already stood growling at him.

"Get out of my house!"

My mother held his arm. Wether it was of fear or to hold him back was unclear.

Alex held up his hands. "I just came because I know how to give Saphire her memories back."

"How?" I asked.

I then realised there was some one behind Alex. Why did he being along a human? The girl stepped forward.

"I'm the witch who erased Saphire's memory. And I can give it back."

My father stepped back but continued glaring at Alex. The girl, who apparently was a witch came towards me and placed her fingers on my temples.

And then they were back. All the memories. I remembered talking to Alpha Damian, I rememered that my parents didn't know I sang. And I realised that I would have to think up some excuse for that later. I rememered everything exept one thing.

I couldn't remember Alex.

"Saphire? Do... you remember?" That was him.

"I remember alot but, I still can't remember you." I felt sad. And judging by the look on Alex's face he was to.

"Alexa, why doesn't she remember me?"

"Don't ask me. This is a first for me to."

Alex sighed. I felt guilty and I could feel tears building up in my eyes. Why couldn't I remember my mate?

"Hey don't cry." Alex said. Taking me in his arms.

"She's got her memory back, now get out." That was my dad.

I wrapped my arms around Alex and buried my face in his chest. I didn't want him to leave, not yet.

Alex sighed and pulled away. "We'll just make new memories." He said.

And then he kissed me.


Alexa's P.O.V.

So four things happend.

That Alex guy kissed the girl.

The girls dad went ballistic and kicked him out.

The girl got her memories back.

And I turned into a fluffy white kitten and beet it.

So here I was. Just having jumped through a window sill. Kicking up leaves as I ran. I stopped for a moment when I passed the guy. He was sitting on his ass in the dirt with blood dripping from his nose.

He'll survive.

And I just got the sudden urge to sing.


That's how it sounded in my head though. In real life it probably sounded more like this.

"Miauw Miauw Miauw Miauw! Miauw Miauw Miauw Miauw Miauw Miauw Miauw Miauw MIAUW MIAUW!!! MIAUW MIAUW MIAUW MIAUW....!!!"

I know. I sound adorable don't I?

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