Chapter 17

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Saphire's P.O.V.

I woke up in the forest, well a forest. I wasn't really sure which one. I looked around but couldn't see or smell anything familier.

I stood up and noticed a man lying on the floor a few meters away. Cautiously I walked towards him and crouched down. There was a large cut across his chest. I felt his pulse.

He was dead.

I quickly stood up and started backing away. A sense of panick enveloping me.

Then I turned around and ran.

I didn't know how far I was from the body when suddenly a name popped up in my head. Andrew. I stopped.

Andrew's mate was Selena. Selena was part of the Moonstone pack. The moonstone pack had recently set up a treaty with the Bluemoon pack. I was part of te Bluemoon pack. My father was Beta. Aden was Andrew's brother, he was my Alpha. He had a younger brother named...

I frowned. Why couldn't I remember the name of Aden's younger brother? I knew he was important but... I couldn't remember why.

Andrew, I had to find him. Maybe he would know.


Alex's P.O.V.

Damon and I were waiting by the meeting place together with the rest of our pack warriors.

"Are you sure they'll come?" Damon asked.

I nodded.

At that moment I saw the wolves comming up in the distance. When Aden arrived he walked up to me, his pack warriors waiting behind him patiently. Saphire's father, his Beta, was next to him. He glared at me, I guess Aden had told him bout me and Saphire being mates. He probably blamed me for her disapearance. Well at least we were on the same page cause I blamed myself too.

"They rest of the packs are on their way." Aden said. I frowned.


And right then they arrived. I saw Alpha Dane of the Moonstone pack first. Then Alpha Donavon of Blueriver and then Alpha Sander of Silvermoon.

"How did you get this many packs together?" I asked.

"Well as you might know we recenty reset the treaty with Blueriver and they happen to be good freinds of Silvermoon. The Moonstone pack is here bacause they agree on the fact that you should keep back Onyxmoon."

I nodded, made sense.

"Must have some great skills to be able to pull this together." Damon said.

Aden nodded. "That's why I'm Alpha." He said pointedly, looking in my direction.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's go." And with that the five packs set off towards Onyxmoon.


"Show yourself Damian!" Damon shouted. I stood next to him.

And out of his packhouse he walked. It was a creepy place. Dark wood, black curtains behind the window's. Surrounded by dead trees. I shivered.

Damian came towards us. A smirk on his face.

"Well hello, how do you do?" He asked.

I growled. "Where's Saphire?" I demanded.

Damian just smirked. "Oh, don't worry about her. She's quite safe actually, far far away."

"You're in no postition to be playing around here. It's five packs against one." Damon said.

Damian smirked.

"Four actually."

At that moment all the Firestone pack members fell to the ground, including me.

"It was quite stupid of you to leave your Firestone unguarded." Damian said. And with that disapeared into a puff of black smoke.

Damon cursed. "This was a trick. We have to get back to Firestone."


I looked up. It was my brother that had spoken. He continued.

"You're in no shape to fight, we'll go."

I would've argued if at that moment I hadn't blacked out.

Mated to the traitorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora