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Author's P.O.V.

The land had been covered by a blanket of dark blue velvet. The stars were sprinkled across the sky and twinkled like diamonds. The full moon shone down on Alexandrios Jones and Safire Jones .

They were walking as they often did down Firestone's many rose aligned paths. Hand in hand, her head resting on his shoulder. She wore her her down more often now, Safire had even started to wear red. A real Firestone trait.

They were happy. Just like Andrew Jones and his mate and Luna Selena Jones, who were already expecting a baby. Alex often visited his younger brother, just as Safire visited her new sister in law. Selena.

A bit further away in Firestone an old Lady was sitting in a rocking chair. Red hair falling in waves down her back. Red irises sparkling like rubies.

Suddenly the woman known as Granny Ann stood up, discarding her red cardigan. She walked forwards untill she was standing on the earth again.

Then she erupted into flame.

A few moments later she had been replaced by a beautiful young woman, who seemed to be in her mid-twenties, but was alot older.

She stood tall in her flowing red dress. Her eyes remained the same.  But her hair had grown even longer, and now flared like fire with it's yellow, orange and red highlights. From her back sprouted a pair of flaming, blood red coloured wings.

Her name was Hellena.

She was guardian Hell. Queen of Demons. Sister of Angela, the guardian of heavon and aunt of Selene, the Moon Goddes.

Speaking of Selene, there she was. White robes bilowing out behind her. Her pale blue hair illuminated by the moonlight. Midnight blue eyes as dark as the sky.

"Hello aunt Hellena." She spoke, voice as smooth as Silver.

"Hello Selene."

Hellena looked up at the sky.

"I was so sure it was her. I was so sure Safire was the one." She whispered.

Selen placed a hand on her aunt shoulder and looked her in the eye.

"I know. But we'll find her, I know we will."

"I hope so." Hellena said.

With that the two Goddesses parted. Both returning to their own worlds. But before Hellena left she looked in the direction of Alexandrios's house. Where she knew he and Safire were snugg by the Fireplace.

'I just want to find my grand daughter.' Hellena thought.

And with that she left. Leaving nothing behind but a small pile of ash, that was blown away by the wind.


For now... 😏

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