Chapter 2

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Saphire's P.O.V.

The next day I woke up at seven and went through my dailey routines. You know, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, all that. Then I went downstairs and greeted my mother in the kitchen.

"Good morning mother."

My mother smiled at me before greeting me in the same way.

I was wearing a light blue blouse, blue jeans (without the rips in them) and some simple white sneekers. The exact opposite of what I was wearing yesterday night.

I ate breakfast together with mom, my dad was probably busy with his Beta duties. I put my plate in the dishwasher when I was finished.

"May I go outside for a walk?"

"Of course dear, but put on a jacket  please. It's cold outside." My mom was always worried about my health.

But she was right. It was September and fairly cold for Autumn. I grabbed my long brown jacket on my way out and put a matching scarf around my neck before stepping out.

I smiled. The woods were an explosion of reds, yellows and browns. I started walking down one of my favorite trails, breathing in the crisp morning air. The trail was next to a river.

I had been walking for a while when I heard the crunching of leaves

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I had been walking for a while when I heard the crunching of leaves. At first I dismissed it as a rabbit or squirrel but after few minutes I stopped and turned around.

Nothing there. I shrugged and kept walking but when I heard it again I stopped and turned around, again.

There was still no one there.

I slowley turned around and kept walking. Then suddenly the crunching sound was right behind me. I stopped and so did the sound. I was too afraid to turn around and stood rooted to the spot.

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my sides and pulling me against a hard chest. I let out a sound that was some kind of crossing between a squiel and a wimper, making the person chuckle. Okay it was definitely a man.

It was stupid to go down this trail alone. Usually I went with Andrew, the Alpha's second oldest son and my best freind. We both haven't found our mates yet. I hope that when either of us does it won't effect our freindship though.

I contemplated on wether I should mind-link someone when I looked down and saw the bare arms of the man. Who would be going outside in autumn with just a shirt and no jacket? Unless...

My heart beat sped up as I realized who I was dealing with.

A Firestone pack member.

My pack (the Bluemoon pack) and the Firestone pack had been enemies ever since the Bluemoon pack had set up a treaty with the Moonstone pack.

The Moonstone and Firestone pack had one thing in common. They both had supernatural powers that came from a special stone. The Moonstone pack had the Moonstone and Firestone pack had the Firestone.

But according to the Moonstone pack the Firestone pack negleted the moon Goddes and were devils from hell. Firestone pack members were never cold and could control fire, their wolves were bloodred.

So I get were the rumors came from.

"What are you doing out here Spaphire? All on your own?" The man whispered.

His voice sent shivers down my spine. His breath hot against my cheek, he smelt like burnt pine needles. But how did he know my name? My hands started shaking slightly.

"How d-do you know m-my n-name?"

The man chuckled again. Why was I so attracted to his voice? And why didn't I feel... afraid, but safe? And why the Hell did he smell so good?

"I've been watching you for a while now."

Okay that totally wasn't creepy at all.

"And I still haven't been able to figure out where you sneak off to at night. Do your parents know you go to the city in the middle of the night?"

I think I stopped breathing. My parents couldn't know. They weren't aloud to know.

"Please don't tell them." I whispered, fear in my voice.

"Now what would be the fun in that?" The man said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Aah, now that's the mystery isn't it?"

For some reason I had started to make myself comfortable in the mans arms, slowly leaning back into his chest. As soon as I realised this I tensed my muscles and tried to break free.

The mans arms tightend around me, preventing me from escaping.

"Oh no, I have waited a long time for you. I am not letting you go so easily."

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