Chapter 25

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Ross finally came to a stop

He turned around suddenly to see Laura way far behind. He chucked a little at the way Laura ran. Beads of perspiration slowly dripping down her forehead and perfectly contoured cheeks.

She caught up and they stood in front of a water fountain. Water was spilling out from the top, slowly making its way to the bottom. Flowers were lined up nicely on the ground as if someone had just arranged it. 

No one was in sight. They were alone. Ross lifted up the hand with Laura's phone while Laura stood on her tippy toes, reaching her hand out, trying her very best to get a hold of her phone.

"Ross. Gimme my phone back." she whined, accepting the fact that she was way to short to reach it

He shook his head and an innocent smile appeared on his face. He squeezed Laura's phone deep into his pocket so it was near his area.

"Try and get it." Ross joked. Laura looked at him with disgust written all over her face and back to her iPhone 7plus which was unmistakably lighting up from all the notification she was currently receiving.

She reached out her hand with one eyes closed, trying hard not to cringe. Her fingers were in Ross' pocket but wasn't deep enough to retrieve her phone.

She looked up once again to she Ross' smirking in satisfaction. Sick. She thought.

She used her other hand to cover both eyes and pushed her hands deeper into his pocket. The deeper into his pocket her hands went, the more she felt like puking

As it went deeper, she felt something hard. She thought it belonged to Ross and immediately shrieked and pulled her hands out. "Ew. Ew. Ew! I can't believe i just touched that!" She screamed as she repeatedly wiped her hands on the leather skirt she was wearing.

Ross laughed out loud on as he slowly sat down on the bench in front of the fountain, clutching his stomach.

"Don't worry!" He laughed "It's not what you think it is." He dug his hands into his pockets and pulled out a nickel.

"See! What you touched was my coin." he held it in his hands as tears of laughter started forming on his eyes. He wiped them off and became serious again.

Standing up, he signalled Laura to continue. She shook her head and instead put a hand out,asking for the phone back

"I'm tired of this game. Surely you didn't bring me here just to make me get my phone back right?" She said crossing her arms

Ross instantly froze. He had been having so much fun teasing Laura that he had totally forgotten the point he wanted to bring Laura here.

"Er..." He said as he scratched the back of his neck

"Er..." Laura copied in a sarcastic voice

He was about to get mad at Laura for teasing him but he suddenly remembered. 

He reached out his right arm for Laura's left hand and pulled held it. The other arm was behind his back, hands wide open as if waiting for something

Curious, she tilted sideways to get a glimpse of what was going on behind, The bush behind Ross' suddenly 'grew' an arm with a bouquet of flowers in it. Ross' left hand grabbed hold of the flowers.

Without any idea of what was going on, Laura was shocked to see Ross with his left knee on the floor, kneeling down in front of her with the same bouquet of flowers from just now appearing beside their intertwined hands

Laura was in great shock. She had no idea what to do. One moment, they were having fun with Laura's phone and the next, Ross was on his knee's with a flower in his hands.

Ross looked up at Laura as he smiled awkwardly at her. He opened his mouth and it produced a phrase she thought she would never hear from him...

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

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