Chapter 23

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The day of the month when most girl dread the most finally came. Period.

"MUM! I'M HUNGRYYYYYY!" Rydel yelled from her room, whining as though she would starve from hunger any moment.

"Would you keep it down?" The boys shouted back," We're trying the play our video games here if you don't mind!" 

Footsteps could be heard from the stair way. The boys looked at each other, wide eyes and opened their mouth. To bad they were all too scared for anything to come out of them.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Riker finally managed to scream. "GIRL ON PERIOD GOING CRAZY!" Ryland added. He shouldn't have said that. 

"ARGH!" a irritated voice responded to their comments as her footsteps became more audible.

"SHUT UP PEOPLE!" Laura came bursting out from her room."I'M TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP." 

"Cranky much." Rocky rolled his eyes.

He had meant to whisper it but Laura's sharp ears managed to be able to pick up what he had said and furiously went down the staircase with Rydel by her side, both acting like zombies from the walking dead.

"WHAT'S ALL THIS RACKET ABOUT!" Another voice came booming in. This time it was Stormie aka their mum. 

The boys were dead. All three girls had cornered them all. Rydel walked towards them as though she thought they all were food. Riker a chicken. Ratliff a tomato. Ryland a burger. Rocky a bowl of mac and cheese and Ross a duck. They all had teeny tiny legs, running around like an earthquake was gonna strike any moment. Which was exactly what happened.

All their screaming had disrupted Vanessa from her mini pedicure season which was supposed to help her remain calm but was definitely not helping. "YOU GUYS JUST MADE ME DRAW ALL OVER MY FOOT AND SPILL NAIL POLISH ALL OVER THE BED SHEETS!"

No one really cared with the exception of Stormie. They were all busy with what they were currently dealing with then.


"Why must nature be so cruel to us and make them all on their period on the exact same day!?!?" Ratliff whimpered as all four girls cornered them.

"How long will this have to last?" Ross asked, terrified, backing away.

"One week." Rocky explained as if it was natural for boys to know.

They all gave him the weird head tilt with imaginary question marks floating above them all. Those question mark didn't stay there long for Laura exclaimed something"GET THEM!"

All the screams and shouting from both boys and girls made the whole house a wet market and not the lovely home it used to be. It was infested by zombies and serial killers. Their screamed must have woken up many of their neighbours. Maybe it was loud enough to overpower the energy and screams there in time square on the New Years.

"Get off me!" Rocky yelled as Rydel tried to climb on the 'mac and cheese', biting him all over his arm and leg.

"Mac and cheese..." Rydel said, drooling all over him.

Rocky didn't seem to notice the salvia on his shirt. Apparently more interested in mac and cheese not realising Rydel thought he was one

"OUCH! Why did you do that for." rubbing his forearm! "And plus where is my mac and cheese!"

"Youuuu..." Rydel said bluntly bitting him even more and harder.

Poor Rocky didn't seem to understand. He ran helplessly around the living room, trying to some how manage to get Rydel off his back.

Everyone else didn't seem to need to help him. They all had bigger problems to deal with. Laura was running after Ross and Ryland, thinking she was in Harry Potter's world, trying to curse them with weird foreign spells that Ross and Ryland didn't seem to understand.

Stormie was after Mark who was after Rydel who was after Rocky as though a train that has gone hay wire running around from the top floor all the way down.

Vanessa had took out her magic weapon. Her long nails and high pitch screams were all targeted on the helpless looking Ratliff and Riker who were on the couch curled up into a ball trying to cover their ears while doing so.

Chaos wasn't something new to the Lynch family. But the addition two girls under their roof was something new the boys had to get used to.

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