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A/N: Time Skip...
4 days later...


It's been four days since the ghost riders disappearance, liam and theo still have not yet said a word to the pack about their 'relationship'. The only two who knew about them were mason and corey, it was sort of an 'accident' of the way the two found out.

Long story short ever since the ghost riders left corey and mason have been 'spying' on theo to make sure he doesn't do anything bad. Which then lead the two teens to find out that liam sneaks out of his house in the middle of th night to spend time with theo.

Thanks to coreys and masons bad lying, liam and theo both found out that the two were stocking them. It was only obvious because it was three o'clock in the morning and strangely mason and corey just happened to have been taking a walk.

Lucky for liam and theo the other two teens promised they wouldn't tell the others about them. But the downside of them finding out was how they would try to come up with ship names for them that were so horrible.


Liam thought alot about what the pack would say about him being with theo, good and bad. And he decided that he obviously had to do it before everyone left for college, so he called everyone with a little help from mason and corey.

Telling everyone it was important and that be had something he needed to say to them before they left, while mason and corey told everyone it was a "life or death" situation.

Liam was feeling so many mixed emotions that he didn't know if he could actually go threw with it. He told theo to wait upstairs and that he would call him down when he was ready to tell everyone.

Theo obviously being himself thought that him waiting upstairs was the worst idea ever, and purposed that they should both kiss each other when everyone was there, instead of trying to explain.

Liam wishing that it could be that easy knew that it wasn't and that theo was just going to have to go with his plan.

First scott and stiles showed up then lydia, malia.

Corey and mason thought it would be best if they snuck out the back and came back inside from the front, so no one thought anything.

As everyone sat down they then all faced their attention to liam the only one standing, "So there was something urgent you needed to tell us about?" Scott questioned, worry visible in his eyes.

At first liam was confused then he remembered that mason and corey used his phone and added "life or death" to all the text messages.

"Oh-uh, no nothing serious just..." liam said not knowing how to start a conversation about the situation happening.

"Well if it wasn't serious why did you put 'life or death'?" Malia questioned looking to liam giving him a confused look, everyone else doing the same.

He thought about just running away or lying and telling everyone he just wanted to say one last goodbye, but he couldn't.

He needed to get ride of all this pressure he had built on his shoulders,

'But how?'

He then got the courage to speak after awhile, "Well I have something to tell you guys and you might not be so happy when you find out what it is?" Everyone looked at him like he was crazy,

' heck maybe he was...'

"What are you saying?" Lydia questioned

"Is it a person-" Scott said but got cut off.

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