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Finally after almost two weeks Liam relized it was time to set away his feelings and start thinking about the future and all the problems ahead

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Finally after almost two weeks Liam relized it was time to set away his feelings and start thinking about the future and all the problems ahead.

He was gone, 'Theo was gone...' liam told himself when he woke up that morning for school.

Finally deciding it was time to tell the pack about 'them' even Hayden.

Even though they weren't dating anymore because he decided that all the avoiding from the pack really distanced himself from her so he let her go, he still loved her but he just wanted her to be happy and with him she couldn't be happy.

Because Liam was still going threw the whole 'feelings' situation about Theo and didn't have time to be in a relationship.

As he headed out to school he quickly group chated the pack and told them to meet at the Lacrosse field on the bleachers at lunch so he could tell them the truth, he fells like they should know and felt like it was time.

When he headed out the door he froze and thought about all the horrible things that could happen if he told them the truth, he thought about going back inside but knew if he didn't get this off his chest now then it'll break him sometime in the future.


(Skipped to lunch)

Liam was standing in front of the bleachers looking at all of the pack and thought 'Please don't hate me.'

All eyes were on Liam, luckily no one else was around besides them, he doesn't need the whole school knowing about him and Theo...

As the pack waited for Liam to speak Liam just looked back at them and to the ground fidgeting with his fingers not able to speak out any words.

He didn't know what was wrong with him, he felt like he was ready to tell them so, 'why aren't the words coming out?' Liam questioned his self...

"Liam, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to?" Scott said getting up and grabbing his bag, starting to leave the bleachers, everyone else slowly following...

"Theo!" Liam shouted not even realizing what he said until the whole pack came back and sat back down, listing with curiosity towards the beta.

"What about Theo!" Scott said angrily, while Malia growled in the back and Haydens eyes glowed, even stiles growled...

'This isn't going to go well' Liam thought to himself.

"Guys before I say anything please just try to understand the situation I was in-" Liam said with worry and fright in his voice getting interrupted by Malia who shouted out at him to hurry up and tell them already.

The whole pack was getting angrier and angrier by the minute. 'I should have just stayed in bed' Liam thought....

"Well uh.... I-I can't..." Liam said his eyes gettin watery.

"Well then if you can't, I'll make you!" Malia said bringing out her claws and her eyes glowing a brilliant blue getting off the bleachers and walking towards Liam.

"Malia wait!" Scott said getting up and grabbing her before she could get to Liam.

"Liam just tell us! You brought us out here because you wanted to tell us the truth about why you were so upset, so say it!" Scott said calmly at first but then started to raise his voice.

A tear fell down Liams eye and he told them, he told them everthing that happened between him and theo and the way he felt...

At first everbody just looked at him shocked and all there anger went away but was replaced with confusion and shock...

After a while hayden was the first to leave with a hatred look on her face walking away angrily knowing that theo was the reason why they weren't together anymore.

Then Stiles spoke up after she left getting up out of his seat saying " Well uh... that was unexpected but I accept you Liam, no need to worry..." Stiles said unsure and still confused about the whole thing, but getting used to it by the second.

Then after Stiles, Lydia stood up and said "Yeah, I agree with Stiles, um..." Lydia said not knowing anything else to say and just sat back down...

After Lydia Mason and Cory just both smiled and said "We accept you Liam it's fine I mean we're both gay so..." they said not knowing why this was such a big deal.

"You guys dont get it, sure it's kinda about me... but at the same time it's not, it's about how I fell for the enemy and that I wanted to be with him, don't you guys see what's wrong with that!" Liam said tears falling down his eyes because the pack was not understanding what he's been so scared and frightened to tell them for weeks.

"Liam, it's okay, okay..." Stiles said walking up to Liam and giving him a hug to comfort him.

"Look if anything it was just your teenage hormones taking control and stuff like that!" Stiles said trying to cheer up Liam, it worked... a bit.

"Thanks..." Liam said quietly to stiles.

"No problem buddy!" Stiles said giving Liam a side hug and saying he was gonna go get another sandwich from the cafeteria.

Lydia, mason and cory follwing behind but not before giving Liam a hug (Lydia) and fist bumps (Mason and Cory) smiling at him and then leaving...

Now only leaving Scott and Malia "So you liked him alot, right..." Scott said with regret in his voice because of what Liam had to go threw and how he felt.

If only he knew this then he would have told Liam it was alright, 'Maybe even Liam could have changed Theo?' Scott thought to himself...

He then hugged Liam and told him it was alright and left to go find Stiles...

Now leaving Malia...

Liam looked to her as she looked down at the floor, "Malia?" He said questioningly.

"He was cute huh?" Malia said looking up blushing, bringing a smile to liam's face.

"Yeah... he was." Liam said with an even bigger smile on his face and walked with Malia back to the pack, Malia telling Liam that she kinda almost fell for him too and that they were cool.

Also that she gets the whole thing because she felt it too... but she loved Stiles, so her feelings for Theo were gone after that.

When school was over Liam felt so relieved to know that the pack took everthing alright.

He felt that a big weight was lifted off his shoulders, finally he could sleep peacefully for one night....

But when he woke up the next morning...

'Oh god, Hayden!'

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