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"Liam! Liam! Liam where are you?!"

These words were repeated over and over by the whole pack, who were still in search for the beta but no matter how many times they shouted it there was no sign of him, his scent was there but at the same... time it wasn't.

Scott didn't know what was going on with his beta but he just wanted to know that he was safe. Sure, he also wanted to know what was upsetting Liam as well but the beta made it very clear to them more than once that he's not ready to let them know.

So, Scott respects his decision and reason as to why he doesn't want to tell them...

But all he wants is to at least hear from his beta saying that he's alright and that he's not in any serious danger.

"Guys, I'm really tired... and how do we even know that liam's even out here?" Malia questioned yawning afterwards.

"He has to be, his sent leads here. Keep looking!" Scott demanded scared and worried for his beta's safety.

"Guys, did you hear that?" Hayden whispers, freezing her movement any further.

The whole pack stop in their tracks, standing still and listening in so that they could hear the same sound again...

A twig then snaps further into the woods and off goes the pack rushing towards the source.

Only to find out that the sound was from a bunny hoping around, it then stopped to look at them...


The bunny then scrambled away hopping for it's life in fear.

"Malia?" Scott says questioningly, looking to the wolf.

"What? It was looking at me." She said defensively.

"G-gu-guys.... phew you guys really do run fast...." Stiles says from behind the pack out of breath, leaning against a tree trying to catch his breath.

"Wait, where's Lydia?" Malia questioned.

"Right here...." Lydia said, walking, only a few feet away from everyone, "There was no way I was gonna waste my breath running threw the woods at night." She said continuing her reasonable walking pace.

"Did you find him?" Stiles questioned, holding his ribs, obviously still tired.

" No, and that's strange because we could smell his scent but-" Scott then got cut short by Malia.

"Then we can't, it's weird..." She said, finishing his sentence for him.

"But how is that even possible, you guys are werewolves? Aren't you supposed to be able to 'find' each other?"

Stiles questioned, not understanding the problem.

"Yeah but-" Scott was about to say, but got cut off.

"He could have rubbed leafs or something on him to make his scent disappear, like when you guys tried to find me in the woods, remember you couldn't sense me because I was in the woods for so long that it was my natural sent." Malia said cutting off Scott... again.

"But, why would he do that if Theo and them are gone?" Lydia questioned from behind stiles.

"Oh my, Lydia!" Stiles shouted, jumping a little in the air. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"What? You knew I was coming?" She said defensively.

"Guys, just keep looking..." Scott said, resuming his search, while everybody else still stood, looking at Scott worriedly.

"Guys! Come on, keep looking." Scott said, unsure of why no one was looking.

They all looked at each other and then Stiles spoke up, "Um buddy... I don't know about you, but we're all tired and we kinda wanna rest..." He said, worried and scared of what the alpha's reaction might be.

"What? If one of you guys where missing, you know that liam would be looking for you and wouldn't stop until he found you." Scott said, turning around to look at Stiles, his eyes starting to glow.

Stiles then pushed Lydia in front of him shouting, "Lydia do something!"

Lydia shocked that Stiles, out of all people would throw her towards an angry alpha stuttered on her words,
"Um, Scott... calm down, okay. We all wanna find Liam, but liam doesn't want us to find him. We need to respect that and know that sooner or later he's gonna come back, I promise."

Lydia said each and every word full heartedly, calming Scott down.

He then apologized for scaring Stiles.

"It's alright buddy!" Stiles said, now hidding behind Malia.

"If it's alright then why are you hiding behind me!?" Malia said, pushing Stiles infront of her, towards Scott.

"Okay..." Stiles says in the voice he always says 'okay' in when he's scared or frightened.

"Fine but if he doesn't come back this one is on you guys!" Scott said angrily, walking back from which they came.

"What's wrong with him?" Cory questioned, not understanding any of what just happened.

"Uh, he gets like that when Liam's in trouble or something because Liam's his beta." Stiles said clearing it up with Cory.

"Yeah, it's like Liam is Scotts responsibility. He feels like it's his job to protect Liam and make sure he doesn't get hurt or is in danger of getting hurt." Malia said, making more sense than Stiles.

"Oh... thanks for clearing it up Malia." Cory said, walking back to the jeep.

Everyone else starts to chucle and follows behind Cory.

"Oh, thank you Stiles for clearing it up!" Stiles says in a mocking tone and following behind the group.

"I could hear you ya know!" Cory shouts from ahead.

"I know!" Stiles shouted back crossing his arms.


After everything that happened Liam heard all of it, he was way on top of the tree Scott was just under, luckily the sun barley came up and they were tired and none of them bothered to look up in any tree.

Liam knew that he should have just came down, but he knew that they would throw all sorts of questions at him.

And he needed a little more time to come up with an answer or lie as it's really called.

But he knew the second he lied they would immediately tell and they would keep questioning him until they got the truth, but he knew he couldn't do that...

So he just sat in the tree and thought, thought about him...

"God I can't even say his name..." Liam said to himself angrily, he hated that he couldn't say it, when he tried it felt wrong, like he was admitting defeat or something.

And he.... he couldn't do that, he couldn't say his name or all the feelings would come rushing back...

He couldn't.

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