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Theo and Liam were tired and worn out. They felt like they've been fighting the ghost riders for days, every time the killed one another two appeared.

Both Theo and Liam had their hands full fighting their own ghost rider but for the both of them, it didn't look so good.

Liam was struggling with a ghost rider trying to snatch the gun out of it's hand while Theo was trying to muster enough strength to kill a ghost rider who was man handling him right now.

Theo was then thrown across the hall by the ghost rider and was terrified that he wasn't gonna make it threw this and scrambled to get any sort of weapon from all the mess on the floor, he then found this sort of saw loking thing.

He then grabbed it and when the ghost rider got close enough, he shoved it deep into the side of it's neck, it then collapsed to the floor.

Theo took deep breaths to try and get back some of his energy but when he saw Liam still struggling with a ghost rider, he was going to try and help, but when he turned around another ghost rider was in back of him.

The ghost rider tried to choke theo but theo quickly grabbed his hands and stopped him. But he was to worn out to fully stop him, the ghost rider was wearing him down with his strength, theo looked over to liam and saw that he was still wrestling with his ghost rider.

Theo was now on one knee and was failing miserably in trying to overpower the ghost rider, liam finally had the ghost rider on the table and the ghost rider tried to shoot him but liam quickly pointed the gun away.

He then heard theo groaning in pain and saw him fall to his knees the ghost rider finally overpowering him.

He couldn't take the gun out of the ghost riders hand but he could get it to shoot the other ghost rider or accidentally, he'll shoot theo.

But it was a risk he was going to have to take, he used all the strength he had and aimed the gun at theo's ghost rider but when the gun went off the bullet missed, he tried again but apparently the ghost rider knew what he was trying to do.

Theo was now getting weaker and weaker and couldn't stop the ghost rider anymore, his arms fell to his side and the ghost rider threw him against the wall, second by second theo was losing his breath.

Liam was now panicking if he let go of the ghost rider to help theo then their was a chance that he would get shot and disappear like the others.

But if he didn't help theo then...

Liam tried to aim the gun at the ghost rider again trying to get a good shot.

He was to weak to get a steady grip but he saw that theo was almost about to black out so he used all the strength he could muster to aim the gun at the ghost rider and with a bang he saw the ghost rider drop theo and collide against the wall.

He then aimed the gun under the other ghost riders chin and with another bang the ghost rider was down.

He then heard theo coughing and trying to breath for air and quickly ran to his side.

"Hey-hey are you okay?" As Liam was checking on Theo he then heard footsteps coming from around the corner.

Theo was finally able to catch his breath and leaned his head back against the wall he was laying against.

"We never seem to catch a break huh..." Theo said sarcastically, making liam smirk.

Liam then stood up and after helped theo to his feet.

Both of them were way to tired to fight the ghost riders coming their way, theo could barley stand and liam was still trying to catch his breath.

As theo looked around he saw that there was an elevator down the hall but knew that liam was never going to enter it willingly.

Liam wasn't know for backing down Theo knew that but today he was because Theo wasn't gonna give him a choice, theo limped over to the elevator and waited behind liam until the doors opened.

As the ghost riders approached Liam brought out his claws and fangs and roared getting ready to attack but Theo didn't let him, he qickly got infront of Liam and put his hand on his chest and pushed him into the elevator.

Liam shocked by Theo's action looked at him and said "What are you doing?!" he tried to get up and out of the elevator but theo already pushed the button for the doors to close.

But before the doors closed completely Theo said with a smirk,

"Being the bait."

The doors then closed and liam got up and banged on the elevator doors listening to hear what was gonna happen next, he heard theo roar and then gun shots and a few punches being thrown but then... silence.

At that moment he knew that theo was gone...

As the elevator doors went to the first floor all liam thought about was theo and how his memories of him were going to start slowly fading away.

He also thought about how theo put him before he did himself, and after all the horrible things he said to him if they were caught, meaning then those would be the last things he'd have said to theo.

That alone making liam more determined to follow through with the plan and make sure that it worked...

He hoped that it would work.

As the elevator doors opened he quickly ran to the exit wondering how Scott, Malia, and Lydia were doing.

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