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[ Now being told in third person... ]

Liam was in his room still upset over what he did that night at Eichen house...

Everthing that happened... was fresh in his mind like he was there right then and now.

He regretted each and every second of harm he did to him and hates himself for it. He wanted him, he wanted to be with him, but he knew he couldn't... everyone would hate him if he did.

Being in love with the enemy was a huge mistake and Liam knew it, that's why he did what he did because he wanted the other boy to know that whatever happened between them was a one time thing and nothing else, it was all just a mistake.


"Guys I don't know what to do? I've tried calling, texting, and voicemails but Liam isn't responding to any of them!" Hayden said with worry and frustration in her voice.

Liam has been in his house in his room for 2 weeks, he only left his room when the pack needed him. He's been like this sense the day they all went to Eichen house and then it just got worse when they figured out that Mason was the evil werewolf demon.

He completely locked himself away from the rest of the world. Even when he did come out to help the pack when someone, anyone tried to talk to him he just ignored them or told them they wouldn't understand.

But that's what they were trying to do, they were trying to understand him and what he was going threw but he didn't let them in.

Even at school he would ignore everyone and hide from the pack when they tried to find him at lunch.

He even told on Hayden and Cory when they tried to talk to him in class, when they didn't want to leave him alone when he told them to, he told the teacher and they both got detention and he was allowed to move seats.

Everyone was worried about him, but tried to get Mason back to see if that would at least brighten him up a bit. And when they finally figured it out that Lydia was the one who could save Mason, they went out to search for him.

And when they told Liam that they could save Mason, he finally brightened up just a little bit but he was still upset, it was obvious to tell.

'What is he so upset about?' The whole pack all thought this.


Skipped Saving Mason Scene:

"The SkinWalkers have a message for you Theo... your sister wants to see you... " Kira says as she stabs her sword into the ground and cracks start to form going towards Theo at an alarming rate.

"What the heck is happening?" Liam whispers to himself feeling a bang in his chest, knowing something bad was going to happen.

He quickly left speed walking back to upper ground, trying to hurry up and leave so he doesn't have to hear what he thinks is gonna happen, 'Theo is going to get dragged to hell by his sister.' Liam was now running to exit the underground tunnel.

"Scott! Scott! Please, please scott! Scott help me! Please Scott, don't do this to me! Wait no please-"

Liam was now running , tears falling down his eyes, once he finally made it out of the dread doctors underground lab, he kept running and running and didn't stop, tears still falling down his face.

He then turned into wolf form and started running on all fours, he wanted to howl so badly but he knew Scott and them would find him if he did, so he ran and ran until he couldn't take it anymore and climed into a tree, he layed on a tree branch that looked like it could support his weight and just sat there and cried his eyes out.

He knew he should have done something, but he couldn't what was he gonna do?

Kill Theo's sister again?

Push her back down to hell?

Liam didn't know... he was scared, scared that if he did something the pack would hate him and not look at him the same anymore and not because they would figure out that he was gay.

But because he would look like a trader saving the enemy who used him and got in his head and almost made him kill his own alpha and then would have killed him in the process, stealing Scotts power...

The thing he was after all this time.

Liam then later stopped his tears from falling and fell into a much needed sleep...

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