Chapter 42. Who am I?

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"I'm afraid she has amnesia." The doctor looked back at a panicked Marika, "Ma'am, your name is Marika Evans, you were involved in a traffic accident last week and you've only woke up today." The doctor waited for her response.

"W-What?" Marika asked, "What are you talking about?" She held her head in both hands, she's so confused . . . I didn't like seeing her that way.

"I thought you said she'll be fine." I muttered, I couldn't hide the glare I was giving him.

"And she is." He sternly replied, "She's lucky to be able to survive that, and she's alive."

I was angry but I decided to hold back since he has a good point. It's already a miracle for her to be alive, "What about her amnesia?" I sighed.

"There's no saying whether it's temporary or permanent . . ." He looked at Marika before looking back at me, "Please excuse me for a moment, I'll be back as soon as possible."

He strode out the room before I could even stop him, Wow, what a great help! Not.

Marika was stared wide-eyed at her wounds. Not knowing what to do, I pulled a chair next to her and sat on it. She gave me a frightened look and scooted away.

"Um . . . Do you remember me?" I asked out of the blue, she vigorously shook her head, tears spilled out of her emerald eyes.

"Do you know who you are . . .?" I asked in a quieter tone and moved my chair a bit far from her bed.

"N-No!" She covered her face and started sobbing loudly. It pained me to see her that way, I unconsciously stood up and pulled her in my arms, she stiffened before slowly pulling away and looking at me in the eye.

"W-Who are you?" She asked with tear-streaked face.

"I'm Billy Johnson, I'm . . . I'm a friend." I unsurely replied.

"Friend?" She mumbled, I let go of her and stood up.

"We, um, work together." I awkwardly said.

"Work?" She asked again, it feels like teaching a kindergarten.

"You're the president of a big company." I then told her about what we do in our jobs and whatnot. I know I shouldn't rush saying these to her but it's better than her being so confused to the point where she's crying, she needs to know.

She slumped back on the bed and stared at the wall in deep though, desperation filled her eyes. I sat back down and looked at her. She's like a different person now, she's not hiding what she feels and she's showing vulnerability.

"Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" I said in a quiet tone. She turned towards me and shook her head.

"What's my n-name again?" She wiped the tears off her face.

"Marika Evans, you were Marika Jones before but you got married." I replied, giving me a strange feeling in my chest.

"I'm married!?" She jolted up, "Ouch!" She yelped in pain as she moved her foot.

"Careful!" I stood up and pushed her back on the bed, "You're not completely healed."

She ignored what I said and fought to sat up, "I'm married?" She repeated.

I nodded and gave up on making her lie down, "You were."

"Were?" She looked at me in confusion.

"About that . . . Uhh . . ." I fumbled with my fingers, do I say it or what?

"What?" She insisted.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell you yet . . ." I averted my gaze.

She grabbed my arm and held onto it tightly, "Please . . . I need to know." She gave me a pitiful look.

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