No happy endings

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We were driving in the dark for about five minutes until we pulled up to a big house beside a lake.

"What's that?"

"My grandparents house." Reid answers, stoping the engine. "They own pretty much all of this."

It was kind of dark but I could still make out all the trees around us, the lake, the big house. His whole family seemed to have plenty of money. I don't think it was just his dad who had a good paying job. I looked around for a car but saw nothing.

"Do they live here year round?" I intrigue.

"Uh, yeah. They like fishing. In a boat or on the ice didn't make much of a difference to them." He chuckles.

"Where's their car?"

"Oh uh, they're not home." He said putting the car keys in his pocket. "They're in Florida, for like 6 months." He explains. "I'm kind of watching the house, I guess."

"How did you end up with that job?"

"Well, my dad was supposed to but he doesn't even take care of his own house." He said quickly not taking a moment to think to much about it. "So, I kind of ended up with both." He forces a laugh. I try a smile. He opens his door and steps one foot out.

"Come on." He smiles.

I had no idea what he was doing or what he had planed but I had no other way of finding out.

"I think I trust you to much." I blurt as we walk past the beautiful house.

"Why's that?"

"I let you bring me places alone, away from everyone and we've met a couple weeks ago." I let out my odd thoughts. "You could be a crazy assassin here to kill me and I'd never know." I finish, feeling a little weird. "Yet I still follow you to random places."

"That's just faith." He jokes. I kind of laugh.

We walk up to the beach and the moon beams on the lake water was really pretty. It looked so peaceful. Was so peaceful. I close my eyes for a moment and just listen to the slowly crashing waves. Despite the recent weather, it was fairly nice out tonight. It was pretty warm yet breezy. It just seemed like a perfect night. For what? Don't ask me.

Reid sits down in the sand and faces the water. He pats down beside him, motioning me to sit. I do so.

"It's beautiful here." I couldn't help but declare.

"Yeah." I hear him say from beside me. I was looking straight out into the water but I could tell he was looking at me. I smile shyly and look over at him.

"I never?" He says now looking at the water.

I look at him confused.

"You never what?"

"It's a game. Want to play?" He asked cheerfully.

"I don't really like games.." I kill his cheerfulness.

"Oh come on!" He begs like a child would.

"How do you play?" I give in. He claps his hands.

"Well, usually you need a drink but we're gonna play it my way." I roll my eyes at him. He sits up, facing me. I do the same.

"Take some sand in your hands." He cups his hands together and scoops up a pile, to show me.

"I'm not drinking sand." I joke.

"Very funny. Just pick up the sand." I do so. He smiles.

"Good. Now for example." He explains to the details now.

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